Titan Reader x Levi Chapter 13

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A young boy with raven hair was walking along the smooth cobblestone path, a small smile on his face when he spotted a girl with (EYE COLOUR) eyes. She was waving at him, and when he got close enough she ran to him. ''Hey guess what! I found something really interesting!'' she practically bounced around him in excitement and the boy said ''what?'' before being dragged off by the girl, eventually leading to a small forest just outside of the village they lived in. They stopped at some bushes and she quietly moved it to the side, revealing a resting doe with her fawn. ''look~'' she smiled and the boy stared in awe for a minute ''....they're really pretty'' she said softly and his response was ''yeah...but I think you're more pretty'' she giggled and kissed his cheek....but then the happy scene died out and was replaced by another....

The same boy was sat on the same cobblestone path, with havoc and wreckage surrounding him as he held the same girl in his arms, whose body was lifeless as blood seeped from the wound in her chest. The boy cried and cried, calling her name, telling her she needed to wake up, or at least respond...but she didn't. 

Levi woke up suddenly, panting heavily with his eyes wide which were slightly watery as he had been crying in his sleep. He hadn't had this dream for a few years...but for some reason it had come back to haunt him. 

''shit...'' He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair before clenching his fists. He didn't want to dream about (NAME) because she was one of few people that he let into his heart, one of the few people that had known him before he became a criminal, before he became a member of the scouting legion, before he became the man he is today. And she died in his arms unable to do a thing, because he was only a child and this killed him inside.

However, for some reason this new titan reminded him of (NAME)...maybe it was the fact they had the same eyes, the same face and the same smile.....but the titan wasn't (NAME), it couldn't be....could it?

Letting out a soft groan Levi got out of the bed, putting on his boots and a shirt as he was only in his pants, and he slowly made his way outside intent on seeing the titan. 

The first thing he saw was the titans hair, cascaded on the floor like a soft (HAIR COLOUR) ocean, and her face was covered as well but judging by the titans gentle breathing and the fact she wasn't moving meant she was probably asleep or pretending. To check this Levi carefully moved some of her hair out of her face, showing her closed eyes and mouth slightly agape which showed that she was indeed asleep. But for some reason Levi couldn't help but think she looked rather adorable, like a sleeping puppy, but then he remembered puppies aren't 15 feet tall. 

Levi let go of her hair and was just about to go back to bed when the titan slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times before she let out a yawn. ''Go back to sleep brat'' was the first thing Levi said, feeling the tiniest bit guilty that he woke her up, but the titan just crooned and grabbed Levi who let out a surprised grunt. ''put me down!'' he barked quietly and she just laid him in the crook of her neck and smiled.


Even though her voice was very soft, Levi immediately shut up whatever he was going to say next and curled up next to the titan, feeling warmer already as she transferred some of the heat to him. Her purring started, the sound gently vibrating from her neck, and the Raven haired began to relax, eventually falling back asleep.


There was a mild panic in the castle as Erwin went to wake up Levi, only to find he wasn't in his room and he woke everyone up to search the castle. ''Search everywhere! We need to find the corporal!'' and after 30 minutes Levi still could not be found. Erwin sighed loudly and was on his way to his office to send a letter out when Armin came running upto him ''S-sir!'' he squeaked, saluting the commander. ''Yes, is there something you need?'' ''I've found Corporal Levi, he's asleep sir!'' ''asleep....where?'' ''u-um...outside sir....h-hes with the titan'' Erwin paused for a moment, raising his eyebrows.

''Good, now please go tell everyone to go outside to the titan''

''yes sir!''

Armin quickly scurried off to find his comrades and Erwin had a slight smirk on his face, then he himself headed outside. A few minutes passed and everyone was outside surrounding the titan, chattering and whispering among themselves as they waited. Erwin walked over to the titan, and he spotted the corporals head near the titans neck. The rest of him was buried under the hair of the titan like it was a blanket. 

Erwin internally smiled, but cleared his throat. ''corporal, wake up'' and this was said in a slightly commanding tone, but Levi did indeed wake up...slowly that is. The short man groaned and turned his head so everyone could see his face. A few giggles were heard and someone snickered loudly, and this caused Levi to shoot his eyes open and stare at the crowd that were watching him ''what the hell?'' ''good morning corporal, I must say you looked like you were having a nice sleep'' Erwin nearly cracked a smile, but he managed to keep a serious expression

''why the fuck is everyone here?''

''because we spent nearly 40 minutes trying to find you and we were all deeply concerned about you and your whereabouts ''

''Goddamn it Erwin''

This time its in Levi's POV rather than the readers~

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