Levi x Titan Reader x Armin Chapter 17

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The memory of Armin telling you why they were leaving played through your mind as you watched the trio leave on their horses,

"Were going to find the ocean!" Armin smiled at you, holding your hands as he smiled excitedly. You couldn't help tilt your head in confusion, not really knowing what this 'ocean' was. "Oh! I forgot, you probably didn't know what the ocean is.... Well it's just this huge mass of water that goes on for miles..... It looks pretty" You nod and think "I wouldn't mind visiting it...." And Armin smiles wider "If we find one, I'll come back and I'll take you with us next time" "Really?" you perked up, and Armin nodded.

"Thank you"

When they had fully gone out of your line of vision, you turned around to head into the building, thoughts on what to do to entertain yourself for the day. Usually on most days you would spend time learning to read and write with Armin. It was fascinating to listen to him read stories from the books he owned or from the ones that were scattered in the huge building. But then there would be other days that would end up you spending time with Levi. Most of the time it would be him doing paper work, and you being there to keep him company, and/or for entertainment. Though if someone questioned why you were there, he would glare at them and say "She's here for lectures, brat" and blush faintly.

"Oi, brat. Come here" You had just walked past Levi office and he spotted you easily as he left the door open wide, and you responded with a soft "yes?". He 'tched' and said "I said come here brat, and shut the damned door too" which made you squeak and speed walk into the room and do as he said, shutting the door behind you "s-sorry....". But then what Levi said next made you blush.

"Whatever, now sit on my lap" Pointing to his lap, he emphasized his point, and you just stood there blushing and looking shocked. "u-uh...what?" Your reaction made him groan and he stood up, walked up to you and grabbed your arms. Then he guided you back to his seat and he sat down before placing you on his lap "There, wasn't so damned hard now was it?". You blushed harder and nodded, feeling slightly uncomfortable. "Lay back brat, you don't need to be so stiff" his tone was a little commanding, and you do as your told, his toned chest pressed against your back. His hands then snaked around your waist, and Levi buried his face in your neck which made you jolt and squeak. "Would you stop squirming, I'm not going to molest you idiot....I just...need to relax."

You felt him sigh against your neck, and you eventually relaxed in his arms "relax?" there was a hint of curiosity in your voice.

"Yes brat, relax.... I'm not used to this.....damned peace, it makes me paranoid something bad will happen, or I'll lose you again" he squeezes you gently and you blush more. "o-oh...okay.... Ah! I have an idea" You squirm around to try and get out of Levi's grip, which makes him groan a little in protest, and let you go. Then you turn around and sit on his lap with your front facing him before smiling.

"Here" Levi widened his eyes in shock a little when you wrapped your arms around him, hugging him gently. He wasn't shocked because you were hugging him, he was shocked because his face was literally pressed against your chest. You however were oblivious to this and cradled him in your arms, humming softly.

"Is this okay?" you looked at him, smiling brightly which earned a "hn" and a nod from the short man. Even though he would never admit it, Levi had wanted to hug and hold you ever since you had returned to your human form, he wanted to keep you safe and protect you.Even though he was dedicated to the Survey Corps, he will be even more dedicated to you. Your life is what mattered to him, and he hoped one day, just one day, you would feel the same for him.

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