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I was in the worst class I had this day. English class and it was worst because not of the teacher. It was worst because of Lucas.

From the day I've saved him accidently he had been acting like a leech. Clingy. He keep sticking to me wherever I go, keep folowing me in each class and everywhere around even if I yell at him.

Not too late just today in the morning, I yelled at him telling him to leave me alone in front of whole campus but he's still here smiling not feeling even a bit ashamed of how I insulted him.

Suddenly something poked my arm and I immediately looked beside me only to see Lucas poking his pen in my arm.

"Isn't this class boring?" He whispered smiling like and idiot making me furious.

I calmed myself taking him as a stubborn one and concentrated on the class not minding the crazy nerd beside me. But he again poked my arm testing my patience.

I tried ignoring him until I could but what he did next just had my anger blown. He pocked the pen in my waist stratling me and now I was infuriated.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I yelled not minding the teacher glaring at me as I disturbed his class and used an inappropriate word.

"Ava and Lucas. Detention!" My eyes went wide listening what the teacher said as I knew there is no going back. I glared at Lucas who smiled awkwardly at me.

After that, the whole class was quite and peaceful as he didn't dared to irritate me because he already did. I had to attend a detention just because of this stupid nerd.


And here I was in the detention room writing 10 pages of ' I'm sorry. I won't curse in class. I won't disturb the class.' just because of Lucas.

He hadn't said anything from the time teacher gave us detention and I was never more happy than this. Just this day and he won't annoy me from tomorrow. Never.

I glanced at Lucas sitting more than five seats away from me all focused on writhing the apologies.

To be honest, he was a good looking guy and seemed like a rich one. But his way of dressing, those round thick glasses, that cap covering his hairs and the backpack always hung over his shoulders made him look like a nerd even he wasn't that much into studies.

And in past few days, the way he has been clingy to me, following me around like a bee, had made me develop a soft spot for him but who knows if it was just a show.

A show to jocks here, showing them that I'm here saving him if anyone dared to touch him. Because I really saved him him that day unconsciously.

Just one last page was left and I was squealing already as now I could run to the park talking to those cute kids.

I was writing all focused when a wired sound caught my attention. I followed the sound and my gazes landed on a small greenish yellow thing near the window.

I tried to take a clear vision of that small thing and my eyes widen.

A g-grassho-pper????

There was a grasshopper jumping near the window trying to get in the class through a small opening. This had me sweating on my spot as I was damn scared of that thing.

The hole is small.... It won't be able to-----
My thoughts cut off when it successfully enter in the opening jumping in the class, just a few benches away from me.

My heart began to beat insanely, heat increasing in my throat because of fear. I tried concentrating on my work ignoring it and successfully did.

But just in minutes, it was on my table jumping towards me. And that's when I lost it.

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