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Lucas wandered around the library like was lost in a maze, hanging his head low thinking about the bet he made.

And the first question in his mind that raised each time was 'Do I want the bet thing to stay??'

He couldn't get if he was still going with the bet or had forgotten it a long ago, if he just wanted to play her or let her play him the way it suits her.

Because for the past few weeks, he had been doing that only. Letting her play him the way she want.

He was emerged in his thoughts when he felt a soft pat on his shoulder from behind. He turned around to meet with the very same face he was thinking about.

She motioned him to move aside which he obeyed like a obedient one moving away to side giving her the way to book shelves.

She picked a few books and left with the very same cold face not minding him who was lost in her thoughts from head to toe.

Should I go to her???

He thought and it was obvious that it was already a huge yes in his mind from the very moment he faced her. Because now, whatever he did was just a way to Ava he himself chose unconsciously.

He took a book and ran to Ava joining her in studying while she didn't even glance at him giving him no attention.

"Ava...." He called her, nervousness embracing his soul out of nowhere.

She faced him with no annoyance in her expressions because why not? He was her friend now.

"Would you e-explain this chapter to me. It kind of extreme." He maintained to ask bringing up an excuse because it was the only thing he was bad at real. Studying.

She, knowing well how bad he was at learning even being a nerd, nodded trying to help her friend.

She began explaining the chapter all concentrated on the pages whereas Lucas had his concentration on her features which felt like illuminating, captivating, brilliant, ravishing, excruciatingly beautiful to him.


Sally, the same girl who bullied Lucas along with boys was in her room with her friends watching some porns, having fun with themselves when a boy burst in her room which made all of them flicnch.

"What the hell Jerry?" She yelled standing up from couch, arranging her undies back.

"The video.... It's him. Lucas Roy."


Lucas and Ava were in the class completing the assignments given to them as they had some plans for evening.

Suddenly, a shadow hovered over them which made them groan in annoyance.

They looked up only to find Sally wearing a smile which Lucas hated the most whereas Ava was already glaring at the girl who bullied her friend.

"Umm.... I wanna apologies." Sally stated looking down like was standing in front of her crush which obviously cringed Lucas and Ava out still maintaining to shock them.

"I'm sorry Lucas. I realised that I should have never bullied you. I'm really sorry for whatever I did to you. I'm ashamed of that. Please forgive me." She kind of begged fidgeting with her fingers looking all dumb which she really was.

Lucas was confused watching her apologies to him not getting anything. Like the girl who was bullying him all the time with her soul was now apologizing.
That was strange.

"That's o-ok." He shuttered not knowing if he should jump on her telling her off or slap her hard for what she did to him.
And ti be honest, whatever she did to him was absolutely unforgivable, disgusting.

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