In Which Chappy One Begins

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Hello, Bitten here with the first chapter. I hope you enjoy it. Please vote!!!
Shout out to my very first supporter to 'Cries to the moon' @booksandbinds
Thanks for the vote :)


'She was never scared to be herself. Maybe that's why everyone shunned her. Made her life miserable. She was different and the village made sure she knew that.

The man before her, was also one of her many tormenters. Never one to back away from a challenge, she trust her head up and looked her opponent in the eye. "State your name."
Her voice was smooth, very feminine; but, to other's she was far from a lady. Her inhuman strength and fighting skills where fit for a soldier. Not to a seventeen year old girl.

Her blue eyes studied the man before her. He was bulky, larger then her boney self but, it wasn't the body size that mattered in a battle with her; it was the way you wield you're sword that mattered.

"Kris Kellowae." He snarled. His chapped lip curled showing his yellowed broken teeth from years of smoking. The hair on his upper lip dirty with crust; lifted with every word that came from his mouth. She shivered with disgust.

"You came to de-sword me?" She gave a hearty chuckle. The man didn't take a liking to the small smug girl before him. At least she looked and sounded like a girl.

Crossing his muscled arms, he quirked an eyebrow. "Yes, all the others where wusses! They only held back because you are a women. Only and that reason only."

He was so sure that was the reason why the men she battled failed to defeat her but, he was not them! Just because she is female does not mean he will hold back.

The girl was not offended at all by his accusing ways. All the others where just the same. Smirking at that thought she stepped closer to the foolish man before her.


"Oh, is that so?" Kris was fuming at the sassy attitude that Mia used. She was no lady indeed. He tore his sword from his sheath and-'

A hallow knock echoed through my silent chamber, making me grip my old leathery book tighter with irritation. "Princess." Another knock sounded and I heaved a sigh and placed the dark purple ribbon in the pages of my book.

The silk slid from my fingers as I gently placed it in the worn out pages. Standing from my comfortable position on my plush sofa, I closed the book and glided to my book shelf away from the door.

"Enter." My voice was airy and soft, still being in the daze of my reading.
My senses heighten at the door opening hastily. Clanking of metal could be heard and the shuffle of booted feet was heard before the shifter spoke.

"Your Highness." I lifted the tilted over books and slid 'Orleans' back in to the empty spot on the top shelf.

I recognized the highish boy voice; Eddie. He was my fathers personal favorites. Not because he was loyal or because he was one of the castles best guards. No, his high voice was just so funny that the Alpha decided he was walking entertainment.

I craned my neck and gave Eddie a once over. He was wearing a grey skin tight t-shirt that stretched across his toned chest. Wearing lose fitting jeans that hung from his narrow hips. His squinted brown eyes held nervousness and innocence.

"Eddie, we have been through this. Call me Ella." I was never one for formalities and I sure as hell hated when people called me princess.
I didn't ask to be born for the throne, to be an Alphas daughter. To be a shifter. In all honesty I wanted to be normal. Average is a better word to use. Yes, I wanted to be average.

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