In Which Chappy Three Reveals

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Hi guys it's been along while right? Well I'm not gonna bore you with this so enjoy the not so greatly written chapter.


"Are you done?" His voice sounded through my bathroom door. The tingles that spread up my spine made me cringe with uneasiness. The bond was only getting stronger and if the tingles where any indication; I wouldnt be able to resist this pull for long.

Sweeping my eyes over my appearance in the mirror once more, I nodded to myself. A simple black tank top and grey sweat pants.

I quickly pulled the door open and sauntered past Cedric and picked up the discarded dress thrown carelessly to the floor.

Walking to the fire place I sneered to nobody in particular and threw the offending dress into the open flames. The dress immediately lit up and shriveled into black dust leaving a sickening smile planted on my face.

"Well at least I know you don't like dresses." I heard Cedric mutter to himself before walking closer to me. "Well Ella, I must say, the fates have made me a very happy man." He smiled widely at me as I began to fiddle with my fish braid laid over my shoulder. ,

Gently he reached out and took my hand in his own. Sparks erupted from the very tips of my fingers all the way up my arm warming my fast beating heart. "Let me tell you," he chuckled heartily. "It's been worth the wait."


I could already feel myself melting to the floor with his sweet words. My heart pounded against my chest making me wince from the fast pace it was going. Pleading with the moon goddess to make it stop before I ripped it out myself.

I gazed up at him and stared deeply into his dark blue eyes. I tried to come up with a response to what he said, to shove him away, or flee from my room but all my body could do was move closer to the extreme warmth radiating off of his towering form.

I blinked a few times before merely whispering a meek "Hi." His smirk stretched into a beaming smile as he wrapped his other arm around me. Nuzzling his head into my hair he inhaled deeply.

A small smile played at my lips as I cuddled up to him and also breathed in his toxic scent.

The booming of my chamber door against the wall broke my trance. I lept from his iron grip and spun around to see a dripping maid standing there.

Her tan cheeks lit up brightly and she cleared her throat looking at Cedric warily as he let out a hushed growl. I lightly slapped my palm against his arm to cease his aggressiveness towards the scared pup. Even though Ariella was whole heartily agreeing with taking the pest out.

The maid: Diana I believe her name was, curtsied. "I'm sorry to intrude your Majesties but, Sapphire is being a bit stubborn and your mother insist that she only wants to see you." The young maid fiddled with her ponytail as she rushed out her excuse to barging in to my chambers unannounced.

"It's okay, I was headed that way but then I got a little side tracked." I smiled sheepishly to Diana while Cedric crossed his arms across his broad chest and smirked my way.

Glaring at him I strutted towards the door and by passed the maid dismissing her as I went. I heard the quick steps of Cedric as he came up beside me with a warm smile.

I roll my eyes and keep my face forward to keep myself from jumping at the tempting piece of meat beside me. I felt fingers glide down my arm and then tangle in mine as we kept walking. Biting down on my lip I fought a blush.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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