Mommy's Meds.

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      So I had gotten to the Social Service building in Berkley and found her records! I was excited, only problem was, was the price. Adrienne was right. It was a hefty price. $375. I just used my last ten to get gas to get there. I had to borrow money from mom just to do what I need with Juliet at the park. I love that kid to death. She had so much fun and almost cried when it was time to take her home.

     I had to work extra hard to save up money. I was even doing shows outside of our district on weekends to raise money. Of course helping mom with rent, bills and groceries would set me back a bit but I was slowly saving money. My relationship with Adrienne was growing and I couldn’t wait for Juliet to meet her.  Juliet however, I felt like I was slowly losing touch. Her calls went from every night, to every over night, to maybe two or three times a week. I was working more two. I helped mom some days at the diner in hopes of extra money. It had been a week before Juliet finally called. I was in my room with Mike and Tre taking a little break with a joint. I needed it and mom wasn’t home she was working night shift, so I took this opportunity. I ran to the kitchen when the phone rang. I cleared my throat after coughing several times before answering.  “Hello?”


“Baby! I haven’t talked to you in a while, are you ok?”

“Yes daddy.”

“That’s good Half-Pint. What have you been doing?”

“Nothing much. Just playing in my room, and at the neighbors. The girl there is nice!”

“She is?”

“Yeah she’s my age. And guess what daddy!?” I giggled at her enthusiasm.

“What baby?”

“We have tea parties!”

“That’s good!”

“Yeah, although she doesn’t have a crown.”

“Aww I’m sure Tre has a spare he can give you.”

“You think so?”

“Yeah!” I smiled and realized I was curling the phone cord around my finger like a giddy girl. I quickly shook it off.


“Yeah so how’s mommy and the cop guy?”

“Tim oh they’re good. I think I got in trouble yesterday.”

“What do you mean? What happened?”

“Well ya’know how we all talked about our no no places?”

“Yeah?” I swear to god if they touched my daughter I’ll flip shit! I gripped my fist.

“Well last night I went to get water, and saw mommy on the counter, and Tim with his pants down, They’re no no places were touching. They yelled at me and quickly dressed. Mommy sent me back to bed. Daddy did I do a bad thing?” I can’t believe that happened. I tightened my eyes shut and rubbed my forehead.

“No baby, I’m very mad at mommy though. They were doing the bad thing. She shouldn’t have yelled at you.”

“Oh ok. It really hurt my feelings.”

“I’m sorry baby. What’s mommy doing now?”

“Oh her and Tim where cooking, but I can’t eat.”

“Why not?”

“They said it was medicine for mommy. I even saw the needle on the counter. Daddy I’m scared, is mommy sick?”  I can’t believe she’s doing drugs with my daughter there! What the fuck kind of cop is that?!

“Can I speak to mommy?”

“Yeah.” I heard her yell mom, daddy wants you, In the background. A few moments later Kari was on.

“What Billie.”

“I can’t fucking believe you’re doing drugs in front of my daughter! And having sex then yelling at her! Who the fuck is this guy!” I was pissed.

“Whoa! You need to calm the hell down! First off I thought she was asleep! Secondly I’m not doing it in front of her!”

“It shouldn’t be around her period! What if something happens to her and you’re to fucked up to do anything!?”

“Billie nothing’s going to happen! She’s fine and going to bed. You act like you never get high! Jeez if I still know you well you’re probably high right now!” I gritted my teeth.

“That’s different! My DAUGHTER is not here in the house! Plus weed is different than crack or heroine! At least I know I’ll wake up. You on the other hand might die doin that shit! You need to stop!”

“Fuck you I’m not going to die.” I heard Juliet in the background scalding her mom for cussing me.

“I’m sorry baby…” She started talking to me again. “Look I’m out to put Juliet to bed so talk to her while you can. I’m not hearing anymore of your bullsh-crap life lecture.”

“Hi daddy!” She had already got off before I could say anything.

“Hey baby. Listen tonight when you go to bed stay in your room understand?”

“Uh huh. Mommy’s saying ii got to go to bed now.”

“Ok, and don’t forget the clams and the bad walrus!” She giggled.

“I know daddy. I love you, Goodnight.”

“I love you too baby. Goodnight.”

“Bye daddy.”

“Bye.” I hung up and punched the wall. That’s it. I walked to my room.

“Guess I hate to ask you but I need all the money you can give me. I’m short $80 dollars and I need to get my daughter back. I’ll pay you back I swear.” I pleaded.

“Whoa Billie your shaking. Just relax; we’ll give you all we got. I really miss Half-Pint myself, but you can’t drive to Berkley high like this, plus the office will close by the time you get there.” Mike said.

“Yeah I have extra in my sock drawer. I can get it in the morning and we can go first thing.” Tre said.

“Thanks guys. You really are the best.” I sat on my bed near them and laid back staring at the ceiling. I really hope Kari’s right and everything’s ok. Hopefully she’s smart enough to know not to OD. 

A/N I dont know how much it actually is to get paper work done as far as getting your name on a BC so just roll with it. Oh! and in case you dont know the story of the clams, It's in alice and wonderland. There are several little clams under the sea when a wlarus and a carpenter (Hungry) spy them. they go down and tell them all these good things and of a great place, leading them to a house. The clams happily follow these tricksters only to sadly be eatin :( You can find a short video on youtube also. I hope you enjoy this chapter! 

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