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Just a little reminder that I am not a Doctor/Neurologist/Psychologist, nor do I suffer from Dissociative Identity Disorder. These is just a fictional story so dont go diagnosing your friends or take procedures/situations from this story thinking you know all about D.I.D. Ive wrote the story based off of what little I have learned in a class and what little research I have done on this specific disorder. Of course I have intensified this disorder in the story to make it dramatic, but real people with this disorder do struggle sometimes on a daily basis with this. It is not something that just randomly pops up with a bump on the head. (Maybe in the second i can give more background on how it developed for Juliet)

Also I certainly hope I havent offended anyone who has or knows someone with this disorder. 

Another thing SUICIDE IS NOT THE ANSWER. This is a very serious thing and it is applied into this story at parts and I hope I havent triggered anything. The Louise scene was especially hard for me to write because as I was writing the last two chapters a girl on my campus had disappeared. She was then found just out side of campus. (Not very far from my apartment) They suspect suicide :'[ so things have been very sad around here. Please if you do feel depressed or have suicidal thoughts seek help, I did. They'res no shame in it and no one will look down on you. Counseling is there to help just as a doctor is for the flu. If you dont want to be put on medicine simply tell them, they'll listen. Heck you can even inbox me for a chat to make you feel better if you like. Its always nice to talk to new people, although if I dont reply immediately I am probably working on HW or in class. If you know a friend who is suffering from depression or irrational thoughts please be there for them and let them know that its ok and DONT BE JUDGMENTAL toward them. They've probably dealt with too much $hit for to long (More than they'd like to show) and they dont need even more $hit from friends. NO "It'll be fine just dont think about it" or a simple "Dont worry about it" is helpful. Do more listening than talking, then give some sort of encouragement. I know its hard because people vary in how they want to deal with their problems. Dont pry, but let them get comfortable and let them know you will listen without judging and then maybe they will open up.  

If you are interested in a movie dealing with DID, might I suggest Sybil. The original is from like 1977 but a remake was done in 2007. It is based off a true story, and can be found on youtube in like 8 or more different parts. -------->> a clip from the remake showing Sybil in a therapy session, and appearances from some of her personalities.  Also just a few hot lines, you can also google some for other reasons: lesbian/gay helpline, grief, runaway, ect.  Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! I know this sections seems a bit dramtic considering this is just a fiction story but these things happen and its good to be reminded of the help we can get.

<3 Jesse. 

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