Chapter 2

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AFTER eating lunch I came back to my office to check some patients who will arrive this afternoon.

I got to read the files that I needed to check and starts to walk towards the delivery room.

I put on my scrubs, gloves, mask and other proper attire before entering the LDR(Labour, Delivery, Recovery Model).

Hours had passed and the newborn baby is out. The mother and her baby are both stable. I got out of the room to change remove the hospital gown that I wore earlier, I also wash my hands and sanitized before taking the patient's information.

Again, hours had been passed the woman that gave birth earlier transferred to her room.

The infant is still needed to do a test and will temporarily stay in the nursery room. I started to walk towards the consulting room to check some patients.

I'm on my last patient for today and the kid is so talkative.

"Dra. pretty did you see a baby again?" he excitedly asked.

"Yes" I then answered while writing some meds that he should take.

"Is the baby a boy or a girl?"

"It's a girl, you wanna see her don't you?" I smiled then winked at him.

"If it is ok then YES!" I can tell that his eyes are twinkling based on what he act gosh I really know this little boy.

"Baby don't shout you might disturb patients that's resting by this time" Minily said the little boy's mom and also my friend.

"Oh sorry I'm now quiet shh" I laughed a little because of that, my godchild is really adorable.

"Alright here she is" I showed her the picture of the infant earlier but before that I asked the permission of the mother for this picture.

"Woah she's full of blood is she hurt?" he asked with a worried eyes and voice.

"Hmm I already answered that question, again she's not hurt she just came out from her mother's womb" I explained.

"You sure Dra. pretty?"

"Yeah" I smiled.

"Alright umm can we visit you tomorrow? He asked while his palm are put together, pleading again.

I sigh and answered" Do I have a choice?"


"Then it's a yes, but you need to drink your meds on time and always listen to your mother is that okay?"

"Yes yes" he cheerfully answered.

"Okay then see you tomorrow"

"See you Dra. and thanks"

"Thank you Dra. Denise" Minily said and then smiled.

"Mhm anytime" after we bid our goodbye I started to fix my things and I went to my parents office.

While walking a memory flashed in my head.

"Hi again!" I approached the boy  that I"ve seen the other day.The snob.

"Hello Hi do you remember me?" I talked again when he didn't respond.


"Aww is that so but we just met 2 days before this day how come you forgot it? I ask him with curiousity.He just tsk at me and continue his reading.

"Well then let me introduce myself again" I confidently said in front of him.

"Nah I'm not interested"he spoke still not looking at me.

Literally my jaw dropped at that.I was stunned for a few seconds before iI speak.

"Oh okay whatever  continue your reading" I slightly smiled sheepishly.Okay that's embarassing.

While I'm roaming my eyes to the place my sight suddenly land on his name plate and I accidentally saw his name.EK A. Cedrill.

"Hey mom" I kissed her cheeks,I'm now at their office and my two brothers and my dad aren't here yet.

They are in a video call probably cause the people on the cam was asking how are they rn. I'm guessing it was the family friend that my parents are talking about earlier.

"Hi dear come I'm gonna show you something"my mom smiled pointing at her laptop.

I walked towards her direction and took a peak on the cam.

"Av this is your Auntie Zeina our family friend that we discussed earlier"mom hold my waist to show my presence at the vc.

"Hello Auntie"I greet the lady in the camera and smiled at her.

"Oh my is this Avery now gosh you're now a grown woman and you look like you mom a lot" she said while smiling widely and her eyes we're like twinkling.

"Of course Zei,like mother like daughter"mom winked at the camera taht made them both laughing. After a few conversations they decided to end the vc.

"How's your day baby?" mom asked me softly.

"Well it's still the same,great"I answered her and chucke.

"How about you mom?"

"Same as yours darlin'"

After a few minutes,the guys entered the office and we all decided to go to a restaurant for dinner.

We're now driving to our way home actually I have my own condo unit as well as my siblings but we prefer to stay at our home,but sometimes I'm staying at my condo.

"Hey you three do your night routine and after that sleep huh" mom said.

"Okay" we said in unison.

Even tho we're in our 20's our parents still treat us like a teen and we're fine by that.

We all got into our room and I do my night routine, I have my facial mask on when I go down to the kitchen to get some milk for the fam.

I gave them the milk after I finished preparing it and I said goodning,I also finished mine and I brushed ny teeth before going to bed"

I read books before sleeping and later on my system had fall into darkness


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