What Happened To Her Boyfriend?

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At this very moment. A tragedy has occurred. 

Your best friend's boyfriend has vanished. Into thin air. No trace of him ever existing.

And here she is, crying in your arms. About some guy who "showed her true love" apparently.

You and your best friend were in the middle of a cuddle session, watching her favorite movies and shows on Netflix when a loud ring comes from your phone.

"I'll be right back princess let me take call this real quick," You softly whisper in her ear. Her teary eyes gaze at you and she nods with a sniffle. You give her a quick gentle smile and walk into the bathroom near the living room.

"Boss. It's done," The man of the night confirms. There was a slight pause before you continued the conversation at hand. "Well done, you will receive your payment in a few days or so, if not contact me again."

With that, you hang up and walk back to the living room where your beautiful princess resides with a conniving smile on your face.

There she lays on your couch, finally at peace. Sleeping with your hoodie on and curled up. A lovely sight to the eyes.

"With him out of the picture, you're all mine princess, finally."

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