sweet as sugar

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Sweet As Sugar

Made by: jhopefulyoongi


a verkwan prequel to "Sugar On My Tongue"

hansol's a broke and depressed college student that somehow lands himself a hot and loaded sugar daddy



Hansol holds onto the handle above his head as the cart jerks, breaks slamming the subway train into a hard and erupt stop. He snaps out of his trance in time to stop himself from falling onto the floor, and then, realizing that he still has two more stops until he gets to his house and that this is one of the more popular business districts, he finds himself a seat when half of the cart hurries out and practically no one else files in. He looks down at his tattered vans, the ends of his jeans cuffed enough that slits of his pale skin are exposed to the cold of the cart.

There's a red stain on the material stretching across his right thigh, and through the rips, in his jeans, he can see the bruises marking his skin.

He still can't believe what had happened last night.

One of the people in his class had pitied him enough that they invited him out to go drinking with them.

Hansol was a little too easy to boss and order around, was the thing. He was hanging out with a bunch of rich kids who were all in his Composition class and didn't even remember his name, who threw away hundreds of thousands of won around a night from their parent's bank account without a care in the world.

Hansol firmly tells himself he wasn't going to drink, that he's going to stay until they were too drunk to notice that he had even left, and then go home to mess around on Tumblr until the early morning and hope his mom doesn't get too mad, doesn't get too worried about him. He knows that even though he texted her, she'll stay up waiting for him to come home.

Nothing goes as planned.

He shows up with them, they spend over a hundred thousand won in the first round of drinks, one of them slides him a drink and he sits at the end of the bar, head down and playing with his fingers, wishing he hadn't accepted and had just gone home. Honestly, he'd rather be home with his family, watching old and horrible 80's American horror movies, then be here with his stuck up and loud classmates.

The club they're at is high end and he thinks one of the kid's dad owns the property, it's a place that Hansol would never be able to afford to drink at or go to by himself. Though, not that he would really want to, if he was being perfectly honest with himself.

While Hansol is starting down at his drink, someone sits next to him, glances at the group, and swears under his breath about them being annoying.

"Hey, Hanbin," His classmate, the one who invited him here, says to him. "We're going to dance, wanna come?"

He shakes his head and they run off without another word. He hears a laugh coming next to him, and he looks to his right, eyes widening when he takes in the man next to him.

He has hair dyed a honey blonde, warm and dark brown eyes, soft cheeks but a jawline so sharp it could probably actually cut someone. His hands are large around his glass and they look warm, his lips are smooth and a nice pink. Hansol, for one embarrassing second, wonders how those hands would feel on him, how those lips would feel against his.

And then, just as suddenly, he feels extremely self-conscious about the sweat running down his neck, the baggy sweatshirt he's wearing, the paint he got on his jean during art class, his condition of his shoes, because he didn't have time to go home and change.

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