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Made by:SandyRoses

Chapter 1: Part 1 - Place Your Bets


The 95 line and BooSeokSoon make a bet, and the 95 line loses. Crack ensues as everyone sees their favorite hyungs forced into dresses and make up, though maybe it isn't as bad of a punishment as originally thought.

Made by:SandyRoses


The 95 line and BooSeokSoon make a bet, and the 95 line loses. Crack ensues as everyone sees their favorite hyungs forced into dresses and make up, though maybe it isn't as bad of a punishment as originally thought.


As always, I don't claim any knowledge of SVT; I just thought the 95 line would look good in dresses esp Shua.


See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: Part 1 - Place Your Bets

In Seventeen, making a bet with BooSeokSoon was like asking for a death sentence. Losing a bet confirmed that death sentence. They were ruthless with their punishments, and, thanks to an unspoken rule that you flat-out aren’t allowed to not follow through with a bet unless it makes you seriously uncomfortable, the embarrassment that follows is usually quite intense.

So maybe in hindsight, the 95 line (more like just Jeonghan) agreeing to make a “friendly” bet with the gag trio wasn’t the best idea. It was a deceptively simple bet: get Jihoon to hug you. The rule was, he had to hug them back without being prompted. Simple enough in theory, not so much in practice. Jeonghan spent half an hour coddling Jihoon only to be hissed at by the composer for being too touchy. Joshua tried with a half-hearted shoulder hug, and though Jihoon didn’t shove him off, he didn’t hug back. Seungcheol was too afraid to touch Jihoon.

Probably unsurprisingly, Soonyoung won, and in a rather unorthodox way. They were playing a team game with Wonwoo and Hansol, and, after winning, he got so hyped up that he just sort of smothered Jihoon in a hug, and, just as hyped, Jihoon hugged him back, cackling at his win.

So, very smugly, Soonyoung decreed that the 95 line were to get fancy in dresses and full makeup, which, to Soonyoung’s slight chagrin, Jeonghan enthusiastically agreed to. He was a bit more satisfied with Joshua’s squeak of embarrassment and Seungcheol’s groan.

Which was where they were now, the younger 10 seated in the living room for their impromptu fashion show, snickering to themselves. Seungkwan, Seokmin, and Soonyoung were sitting on the couch, legs entangled, looking incredibly proud of themselves, wearing very smug looks that Jihoon rolled his eyes at.

“Why would you bet over me, of all things,” he huffed. Soonyoung smiled.

“Because, my dear little Hoonie, you’re stubborn and you provide plenty of betting opportunities,” he explained like it was obvious. Jihoon rolled his eyes again.

“Whatever. Jeonghan! You ready!?” he called, and a faint “gimme a sec!” called back from the bathroom down the hall. Huffing, Jihoon settled back in his spot on the arm of the couch, where Seokmin wrapped an arm around his waist. 

Restless, the rest of the group waited, eager to see how their hyungs would look dressed up all nice and fancy.

“I don’t think I’m gonna be surprised by Jeonghan, honestly,” Seungkwan hummed, idly petting Hansol's hair where the rapper sat on the floor between his knees.

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