why not?

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(This This is actually part 2 of of it )

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Seungcheol knew that tone and he knew it could signify either the absolute worst or amazing sex for him, so he reluctantly raised his face from his notebook and answered Joshua.

"What is it, bunny?"

"I have a little favor to ask you, hyung" the singer purred, climbing into his lap and straddling his thighs, legs more open than ha actually needed to make his shirt raise on his inner thighs, the sinful pose contrasting with the seemingly innocent expression.

Seungcheol sighed heavily. When Joshua acted like this, even calling him hyung when he didn't need to, all in order to make him feel more powerful than him, he always had something in mind.

"I wanna buy something for you and the others, can I use you card?"

"Buy what?"

"It's a surprise hyung, I can't tell you" Joshua whined, lightly slapping his pectoral.

The head alpha sighed again. His dick was starting to twitch in his pants at how his lover was pushing his ass down on his crotch and he really didn't need to get hard while he was writing his lyrics.

"Fine, just give it back when you're done" he finally allowed, looking for his wallet in the back pocket of his jeans and extracting the golden card.

"Thank you, love you so much" Jisoo answered quickly, dropping the whole innocent/seducing act and almost sprinting out of the room, leaving his mate confused and semi hard.

One week later, Seungcheol finally managed to see what his money had bought that day.

Jisoo, Jihoon and Seokmin had stayed home that day, manifesting the first symptoms of a light flu that was only going to get worse if they came to practice, but the act had soon dropped when the pack had left and Eunjoo was gone too, off to her day at the daycare and then ready for a weekend with Jeonghan's parents.

The three had prepared everything for what they had in mind, only regretting Chan and Seungkwan would've been out for the night for a shoot. So, when the rest of their mates came home, they found the prettiest scene waiting for them

When they entered their dorm, only Seokmin was visible, waiting for them in the living room with a knowing smirk on his face.

"How are you feeling Minn-" Jeonghan had begun, only to be hushed by the younger's lips on his.

"I was never sick and neither were Jisoo and Jihoon. Let's just say we made something special for you" the alpha smirked at the others, receiving confused and questioning stares in response.

Without adding anything, he guided them to the nest room, basking in the view of their eyes widening comically and their jaws dropping, almost feeling bad for the two omegas, who couldn't enjoy the same sight.

Before them stood one of the most sinful sights they had ever seen. Jisoo and Jihoon were kneeling in the nest, facing each other with blindfolds on and that was only the beginning.

From their feet to the top of their hair, they were wearing cute, feminine accessories, each of them matching with their built and complexion perfectly.

Joshua, in fact, was covered in pastel pink. His chest was wrapped with the sweetheart neckline of a lace bralette, the pink, silky fabric covering his round breasts, swelled from the hormonal therapy he was going through.

His legs were covered by see-trough stockings of the same color of the lingerie, the fabric reaching his mid thighs and ending in tulle rouges, but even those weren't the strong piece of the whole look. In fact, the omega was also wearing e hair band with white, fluffy bunny ears on his head, while a pom-pom tail of the same material peeked from the soft fabric covering his ass, his pink panties slightly pulled to the side to accommodate the plug nestled in between his cheeks.

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