Chapter 3

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Cronus POV:

You head home after school that day, not trying to seem to giddy about things. You'd hate to give someone the wrong idea. Truthfully, all you can think about is that damn crush of yours. You swore that since this morning it must of grown or something, because there's no way he plagued your mind this much before. Although... Plaguing isn't exactly the kind of word you'd use to describe his presence in your mind. Jeez, that's the last word you'd use. You liked thinking about him, even though it did distract you whenever he happened to pop up.

Every once and a blue moon you'd catch yourself almost drooling at the fact. Yuck. Drool, you thought to yourself. You haven't done that since you were a little kid. You'd like to keep it that way.

Someone bumps into you as you walk. What's up with everyone bumping into you today? It's not like you're clumsy or anything, it's just these people don't watch where they're going.

"Watch it pal." You shot the hooded guy who bumped into you a glare.

"Th'ut your fath'e bozo!" The kids voice was frantic and way too loud to your liking. Oh. Wait. It's that kid. Or at least you think he has. You weren't about to mess with this guy. You used to, but that gave you a bad rep. You'd hate to tarnish it again.

Funny thing is though you and this kid used to be best buds. Nearly inseparable. At a time you and him seemed as if you were even dating, which kind of sounds strange now. His name was Mituna. You guys used to be the top kahuna of the school. But then... Something happened to him. He got into a car crash with his mom. Poor kid barely survived. His mom on the other hand... Not so much. After that crash, something changed. Something wasn't right with him anymore. The way he acted, the way he conducted himself, the way his voice sounded- it just wasn't him. Brain damage is what they said. That's what ruined his and your relationship together. Now you guys are just strangers. It bothered you that he didn't remember anything. So you took all your anger out on him. Now you kinda feel shitty about it.

But that doesn't matter. That's just a distant memory. A thing of the past. You have other friends now. So does he. End of story.

It just happens to the best of them you guessed.

He ran off to do whatever the hell he was going to do, and you ran off to do yours. Not a bad deal. But as you near the park where you usually hang out after school, your phone vibrated. You picked it up to see that you receive a text message from a number you didn't recognize. You opened the message, and was a bit surprised. He had gotten back to you so quickly?

The message read:

"I just wanted to make sure I typed the number in correctly; is this Cronus?"

Your heart skipped a beat. The precise writing. None of your friends type like that. It had to be him.

"yeah. this you kan?" You didn't want to annoy him with your simplified means of communication so you refrained from using "u" and other abbreviations.

"Oh good! It is you. Oh and yes, this is Kankri." This brought a smile to your face. A genuine one too no less. He was happy it was you? That's gotta be a good sign.

"Heh yeah!"

"whoa there casanova, water you smilin' aboat?" Meenah's voice cut off your idiotic smiling.

"what's it to yah'?" This was... The only creative thing you could come up to reply with.

"could it be?? you actually were successful??"

"Well brain-boy didn't run screamin' lunch time, so maybe he did somethin' right yeah?" Rufioh added with a teasing chuckle.

"Yes, that is correct. He was indeed smiling after the twenty-five minute conversing." Horrus nodded. You noticed he and Rufioh were holding hands, but didn't question it. What reason would you have for doing so? In your opinion they made a cute couple.

"and what if i was? do i get my ten bucks yet?"

"ah ah ah! not un-krill you get the kiss! then you getcha' bucks, and the bay-be." ((A/N: No it's not maybe it's babe with bay in it))

"all I gotta do is geta' kiss? with the way things are goin' I'll get that lickity split!"

"prove it then! show em' whatcha got. show us whatcha got!"

Oh and you will. You've got this in the bag.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2015 ⏰

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