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A/N: sorry for not updating in a while, BUT! I decided to update as a kinda Easter break special, so enjoy! Dedicate to all readers but I want to give a specific shout out to cbadgett, who really seems to like my story! Thanks!!

Start story:
I sat in bed slightly nervous as I tenderly touched my left hearing aide, a habit I had when nervous. Professor Dumbledore had come to me and to ask me questions about the night before, after everyone came to visit again and give me my aides back. They also, reluctantly gave my my snapped wand.


'Hello, Miss Potter. It's wonderful to see you awake.'
Professor Dumbledore greeted as he enter the hospital wing and came over to my bedside.

"Hello Professor." I whispered, playing with my hands. I'd never actually talked to Professor Dumbledore as I never got in trouble.

"Miss Potter, what happened to you is a terrible thing that I will not allow at my school. The students who harmed you will be dealt with accordingly." He spoke gently yet firmly.

I licked my lips, embarrassed. "I don't know their names, sir."

"Ah, but you saw their faces yes? I can look through your memories to see what happened and who was there." After I nodded he began to explain, "there are two methods I can use, however, I feel it be best if I simply extracted the memory so that younare not forced to relive it."

Again, I nodded this time showing my agreement. Dumbledore smiled and began taking the memory.


The sudden sound of voices caught my attention and caused me to look up and see Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall, Madam Pomfrey, and both of my parents.

"Oh my poor baby!" My mom sobbed as she embraced me tightly, "Oh, look at you!" Her hanfd trembled as she carasdes my bruised face.

Madam Pomfrey did her best but the Slytherins had used a dark spell and most the injuries wouldn't heal. (Evasdropping is bad but if you can't sleep and don't want to be forced to take a disgusting potion, it'd not your fault).

"Who did this?" My father demanded, sitting on the edge of my bed and gently hugging me.

"A group of Slytherin boys, I am actually on my way to discuss their punishment with their parents. You are welcome to join me." Father nodded, squeezed my gently and began following the headmaster out the hospital wing as mother sat with me.

"Rosie, sweetie I ... I need to talk you." Her voice shook slightlynass she tried pulling herself together. "Baby, you know we love you right? That we want you to be happy and to only have what's best for you?" I nodded, confused as to were nthis could be going.

"I need to talk to you about you ... other family."

Those two words made me freeze up, my breathe caught in my throat as I suddenly felt nausous.

A/n: so yeah ... Not long but something right?

The Sister of Toe-Rag Potter! (A maraduers era fanfic, James' sister)Where stories live. Discover now