Decisions, Decisions

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"Hello, love!" Mari exclaimed ad she twirled -literally- into the hospital wing only to crash into a table.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class?" I smiled as she looked around to make sure that Madam Pomfrey hadn't seen her.

"Should be, yeah." She grinned throwing her bag on my bed as sweets fell out, "but I felt, as your best friend, it was my duty to bring you the ultimate life saver, LIFE SAVERS!"

I laughed as she held up her favorite muggle candy, "In gummy form?"

"But of course! If its not gummy its not yummy!" Sh rolled her eyes as she happily ate candy. "Soooo ... I wanna meet your mom. Or is it meat your mom? Hmm."

"I think its meet, with two E's and no A's but I could wrong."

Mari starred at me, "See this is why we are best friends, you go along with my crazyness!"

"Mom is in Professor Dumbledore's office talking about ... something," I bit my lip, looking away to avoid her eyes.

"Rosie ... You know you can tell me anything, right? I don't care where you come from or who you're related to. I know who you are and that's enough for me." She spoke softly, serious for once.

'I should tell her. But what if she tells James? I don't want him to be upset, he'll try and stop me.' My mind whirled with thoughts before I decided that Mari won't tell anyone if I ask her not to. 'She is my best friend.'

"My mom told me that my brother is coming to Hogwarts." I whispered as her face turned confused, "My real brother. He's my age - we're twins but he's older - and he lives with our older brother who just became of age. The three of us got separated 3 years ago when I came to live with the Potters." I rushed to explain, feeling so relived to be able to talk about it.

"Wow! That's great, were yuou guys close?" She beamed as I nodded jerkily before she frowned, "You don't seem to ... Enthused."

"I am! I-I'm happy to see them ... Its just ..." I trailed off looking at the bedspread.

"Its just that you don't want to leave your new family." She smiled as I nodded weaklty, "Than don't."

"Bu-but my brothers have been looking for me! I can't just say 'no' it would crush them!"

"I didn't say to tell them no or to ignore them. I said don't leave." She smiled ad the bell went off. "I gotta go, but I'll see you later Kay? Love yooouuuu~!" Sher sang spinning out.

'Don't leave ... But don't ignore them?' I frowned thinking of how I could keep both happy without choosing one.

A/n: boredom! This a demon that might take my life soon!! Lol jk, I ain't gonna die of boredom. Enjoy!!!

The Sister of Toe-Rag Potter! (A maraduers era fanfic, James' sister)Where stories live. Discover now