Chapter Three: Christmas is Coming!

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A/N: Sorry, just a memo this if you didn't get it from the chapter title, a time skip happened. So, yeah..... START STORY!

"Ugh! I can't believe they expect us to do all this homework! I mean, honestly we have like a week until we leave for chrismas!" Mari exclaimed falling dramatically on her bed.

Lily and Allie rolled their eyes. "Some people are so dramatic. Honestly, Mari I don't know why you're complaining when you won't do it till last minute anyways." Lily commented.

You fell to your bed with a groan, "Ugh! I think they're trying to kill us." Mari nodded her agreement into her pillow while the other two rolled their eyes.

"So did anyone sign up to go home?" Allie asked sitting down like a 'normal' person.

"Yes, I can't wait to see Tunie." Lily smiled, refering to her older sister.

In your opinion Petunia is a kind of jacked up name. I mean seriously your gonna name your kid that and than name your other one Lily? That is just mean and cruel.

"Yup! My brother is bringing his girlfriend over and wants me to meet her." Marie made a face while you all laughed, her brother went out with a new girl almost every month.  

She hated them because they always want to use him or just be able to say "I'm dating a professional Qudditch player!" Her bro, Matthew, was on the England team.

"Oh no! Please tell me your staying, Rosie?" Allie pleaded.

You shook your head at her sadly while everyone looked at her confuzzled.

"Nope, mum and dad want me and James home so they can hear about everything and catch up. Why?" You questioned.

She sighed, "My parents are in America helping my horrible cousin. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, I know it's sad that her parents died and I loved my aunt and uncle but I swear she is the most spoiled bloody brat every! She didn't even care about them!" She huffed, angrily.

"So I have to stay at school all alone, with not even my dear friends/roomies to keep me company. Woe is me!" She sighed dramatically again.

"Well, my parents wouldn't mind if you came to my house. I can owl them and ask if you want?" You offered causing her to sit up abruptly.

"Seriously? Like, you're not joking or anything?" She asked excitedly.

You nodded with a grin, she squealed, "Oh thank you thank you thank you! I promise I won't be a bother or anything. You guys can do the whole family thing and I'll sit there in the background. I won't get in your way or anything!" She assured.

You shook your head with a grin, "If you come my mum will make you do the family stuff. Trust me you will not be a bother and it'll be a lot of fun."

You all headed down the corrdinor, towards the Great Hall for dinner.

"Over here! Girls!"

Looking up you all smiled as you saw Xenio Lovegood and Frank Longbottom, two of your good friends, waving you all over.

"Hey, where's everyone going for the holiday's?" Xenio asked.





Frank looked at Allie confused, "Rosie's?"

She nodded happily. "Yup, my folks are in America with my brat of a cousin so Rosie said I could come to her house."

Him and Xenio nodded, as this made more sense. You all talked over dinner and made plans to get together during the holidays to exchange gifts. Mari wouldn't be able to come as her family would be in France and her brother would never let her leave if there was going to be boys there. She would receive her presents through owling and would send hers that way as well.

"I should get back to my common room," Xenio noted looking at the practically empty RavenClaw table. You all nodded, understanding, and waved goodnight.

"Hey, what's up all?" Jonathan Finnegan asked taking Xenio's seat.

"Hey, Jon. You going home next week?" You asked smiling.

He shook his head with a grin. "Didn't you know? My parents disowned me last month." He chirped.

You all looked at him surprised.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know." You apologized but he shook his head.

"Oh don't be sorry. They hated me cause I'm the first to be sorted into Gryffindor instead of RavenClaw." He rolled his eyes. "Honestly, I've been trying to get them to disown me for awhile. Be a lot easier not having to listen to them go on and one about my 'disgrace' and such." You all nodded at the slightly older third year boy.

"How's your sister taking it?" Frank asked with a frown.

He had already know about Jon being disowned, his best friend besides Xenio and you girls was Albert, Jon's brother the first year RavenClaw. Frank's family is close to the Finnegan's, even if they don't agree on values. The Finnegan's valued brains while the Longbottom's valued loyalty.

"Not so good she's decied to go on a hunger strike until they agree to let me come home," Jon frowned, shaking his head.

Apparently she got the idea from something she learned from one of her muggle friends. Some guy, Gonda, that protested things 'nonviolently' like starving himself. Seriously, muggles are crazy."

"It's Gondi, actually. And muggles are crazy but they do have good ideas. Although, if wizards tried to invent some of the muggle's ideas they'd be way better," Mari noted as you all stared at her.

She stuck her tongue out before asking Frank, "Hey won't you get in trouble for not stting at your table?"

"Nah, I hardly ever sit there. I'm not trying dis on my own house or anything but seriously most of those people don't know squat," he made a face at the still slightly full Hufflepuff table.

You all laughed again, before Jon bid good night and left to talk to his brother.

"I love you, yes I do, yes I do. Mommy loves you with alll her heart, yes she does. Yes she does," We all looked at Mari, who was cooing and speaking baby talk to her bowl of pudding.

"Why don't you too get a room?"

"O, better yet, get married already," you cut Allie off.

"I'm sure the two of you could make very pretty little mutatant pudding babies," Lily assured. 

Mari glared at you all, "Don't mention the B-word. You know very well that Abe can't reproduce," she hissed.

"You named your pudding?" Lily questioned. 

"I'm more worried that you named it Abe. Seriously, Abe?" Allie butted in.

"Poor, Abe. I'm sorry, I didn't know about you reproductive problems," you apologized as the others, excluding Mari, looked at you as if you were nuts.

"Abe says its alright, he forgives you Rosie. But you two, Lily and Allie, he says he'll see you two in heck." She shook her head as Lily and Allie looked at her horrified.

"Well, Abe I find that you are quite rude and oh my God I'm talking to a bowl of pudding." Lily sighed as she realized what she had been doing.

All of you started laughing again, only to be interrupted by an annoying, familiar voice.

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