chapter 6

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I stared at the man in front of me, it can't be true. I thought he was dead. After all I didn't see him after we shifted.

"Mr Luca Russo? " I asked skeptically.

"Sophia baby is that you? " He asked and I nodded.

I ran upto him knocking the bowl of Pringles on the bed. Marco somehow snatched the Pringles in my mouth before I choked on it. I hugged the one person in front of me like my life depended on it.

"Hey, shh, everything is okay now. Your safe... He can never hurt you again my child. I am sorry I let it get so far. I tried to track your down all these years. I am so sorry it came to this. Please forgive me  precious" He said as he rubbed my back in an attempt to soothe me.

"Dad what do you mean? Nothing is making sense right now. Please explain. Why is she crying again? " Asked Marco

"Let's sit down and talk" He said and everyone nodded. Mr Russo made me sit on the couch with his hand still behind my back and me leaning on him for support while the other gathered around. Lorenzo sat down next to holding one of my hands and squeezing it slightly. Marco and Mrs Russo sat down on the other couch, dragging it close to us.

"A few years ago, I met her. Sophia was just 10 at that time. Her father and I were close at that time but not so close that I would let my family meet him. I was at his house going over some new mafia rules and dividing the territory for us to work when this young girl at just come back from school. I looked at her and smiled. She was so cute and innocent. I used to regularly visit the Kingsley household just to meet her.  I realised that time was found of her and thought of her as a daughter. I promised her to always protect her but I failed miserably.A few years passed and I got to know her dad's ulterior motive. He was going to wait till she was 18 and get her married. I knew he would marry her work anyone in power so in order to save her, I told him that once she is of age I want her to marry my son. He agreed.he betrayed me and had me captured. Remember the 3 yrs I was away stating I had buisiness to attend, it was a cover story from bim. He forced me to sign that letter else he would fuck Sophia in front of me,so in order to keep her safe I signed the letter.somehow I escaped a year later only to find that he had taken Sophia and hidden himself like the coward he is. . I searched high and low throughout Italy and the world but couldn't find them. I thought I had failed her. I can't express how glad I am to know that Lorenzo found you and saved you from that hell. Where were you hiding? " He asked

"USA, in a small village. He kept me hidden and locked up in the house and sometimes even only in my room. He made a deal with Mario and Luigi and sold me off their for power. The day he sold me was the last day he ever breathed. They killed him, not that I am upset but they made my life miserable. Where were you? Your promises to keep me safe. "I said in a whisper barely audible.

" I am so sorry precious. I promise I am never letting you out of sight. If these two boys or anyone in the mafia hurts you, their balls and dicks would no longer be attached " He said hugging me.

"Lorenzo how did you find her? " Asked Mr Russo.

"We were in a raid at their house. Apparently our gun stock was smuggled by their men and also 1 million of our cash was stolen by them. So in revenge we attacked their safe house, warehouse. I shot them dead. 3 bullets each. One through the skull two through their dicks. Marco found her hiding in the closet and he called me. I recognized her from the pictures your showed me so I brought her back with me. " He said and Mr Russo nodded.

"I swear Sophia, I have raised my boys right. They know how to treat women and know how to defend them. Infact the entire mafia men respect women here " Said Mrs Russo.

"I know, they have been so kind to me since day one. Specially Lorenzo and Marco. I think Marco and I have a sibling bond now" I said

"That's good to know. Now why do they you rest while I freshen up. Meet you at dinner. Lorenzo make sure she is warm and comfy. It's almost winter. " Said Mr Russo

"Yes dad do that worry" He said. Everyone left and Lorenzo led me back to the bed and cleared the bed. He made me lie down and then covered me with the blanket.

"Sleep precious. Your need it. " He said as he kissed my forehead and grabbed his laptop and walked to the couch to what I assume work. I dont take him as the man to play games on his laptop.

I woke up an hour after and saw Lorenzo wrestling Marco. This was new.

"I am not a puppy" Said Lorenzo as he pinned Marco to the ground.

"Your a love struck puppy Enzo" He replied as he flipped him over so that he was pinning him.

"I am not" Said Lorenzo flipping them around

"Yes you are" Replied Marco as he kneed him in balls. Ouch

"fanculo.le mie palle.sono rotte"  Screamed Lorenzo
(Fuck. My Ball's. They are broken.)

I immediately got up and ran to the injured man and helped him up rubbing his back.

"Marco.say sorry. That must have hurt like shit" I said as Lorenzo doubled over in pain. He was in foetal position his hands covering his balls

"It did " Said Lorenzo. I rubbed his back trying to soothe him

"Sorry brother" Said Marco as he crouched in front of him

"It's okay but I still am no puppy" Said Lorenzo angrily. Marco instead of replying just walked out.

"Are you okay? " I asked. Stupid question of course he wasn't.

"Yeah but promise me you won't tell this to anyone and please if I ever do something wrong spare my balls" He said and I bit back a laugh.

"I won't tell a single soul. Your secret is safe with me. Why was Marco calling you a puppy? " I asked curious.

"I don't know. He thinks I am in love with you. " He said.

"Are you? " I asked

"I am not sure. What about you? " He asked

"I mean I like you. Your sweet and cute. But I am not sure if I love you or not. You are a good friend though" I said and he nodded

"I am not cute. I'm handsome" He said

"Did I hurt your male ego Enzo? " I asked and he nodded

"I like you calling me Enzo" He said and I smiled.

"Enzo Bear bring Sophia down for dinner. Wake her up gently. Hopefully your balls are okay" Screamed his dad.

"I swear I didn't tell them that" I said

"Marco I am going to kill you" He said before grabbing my hand and pulling me down stairs.

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