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*sixteen years ago*

Tears were escaping my eyes, gliding on my face and down to my chin, and from there falling straight to the floor.

"Mom, you know I hate onions, can I do something else instead?" I asked as I took a pice of cloth to try and wipe away my tears.

My mom looked at me with her soft eyes, and her reddish lips opened as her voice could be heard loud and clear in the small kitchen.

"You wanted to help with the cooking, so quite complaining, you start to sound like your father," she said while giggling and pinching my cheeks.

"I know but this is boring. I want something fun, let's make it flambé!" I suggested putting my hand on top of the pan as blue sparks were coming out of my fingers.

My mom grabbed me by the wrist, and in a serious tone, started to scold me about the unnecessary use of curse techniques.

She isn't very skilled at using her techniques and that terrifies her. As much as she wants to help others, her powers are overwhelming, that's why she only lets me use mine when it's "necessary".

"Ok I get it mom, you don't have to always turn it into a lecture," I said as a sigh left my mouth.

As we continued to talk, noises could be heard from the front door. The alarming sound of footsteps, the heavy breathing of an entity, the rattle of the handle and the click of a lock, followed by scratching and squeaking sounds.

"Huh? I think dad came home," I pointed out seemingly confused as to why he was struggling to open the door.

I looked around the room to see a frightened Mika searching for something that would calm her down.

"Mika? Are you okay? Did you had a nightmare or something?" I asked while patting her. In response, the white tiger licked the back of my hand and looked at me as if trying to speak.

She usually doesn't act like this, so that means something really made her feel uneasy.

Hearing my words, my mom went to check, and as she slowly approached the handle, an eerie feeling made my whole body freeze. It wasn't just me, the atmosphere changed, it got colder, and frankly I was terrified, so was my mom. She stopped in her tracks and looked me in the eyes. No words were being exchanged between the two of us as she rushed to whisper in my ear.

"Y/N you have to go, now!" Said my mom in a serious tone, preparing a portal that would teleport me to a different location.

"Okay, but this is like the exercise, isn't it? You're coming with me, am I right?" I started to ask, searching for my mother's eyes, looking for anything that would give me a response.

"Listen, this is not like the exercise. I don't know who's outside that door but that's not your father. What you'd have to do is, once I teleport you, follow Mika straight to your grandmother," she continued explaining. "After that I'm going to meet you at the water fountain, don't worry."

I nodded in agreement as the smile that could be seen on my mother's face gave me a sense of relief.

"Alright Mika, let's go," I said as the environment around me changed, outlining the image of a forest.


Once I realised I am fully in a different place, I hoped on Mika's back and let her take me to my grandmother.

As my grandma shikigami, Mika can easily find her anywhere and everywhere. Their bond is truly something unbreakable and I'm glad I can count on her to help me out of situations like this.

Running for about 20 minutes, Mika came to a stop, right as we were about to enter the city. I quickly understood that it was dangerous for her to continue without being noticed, so I got off and went on my own.

I think she isn't too far away, because in that case Mika wouldn't leave me all by myself. I thought as I was desperately looking for something that would seem familiar, a trace, a shadow or a footprint, anything with cursed energy.

In my frantic search, I ended up bumping so hard into someone that I lost my balance, and landed on my ass.

"I'm sorry I was looking for somebody," I managed to say, but before I could continue, I saw who the person was.

"Y/N?! What are you doing here?" My grandma asked in a worried voice as I got up from the ground.

"They found the house, so my mom sent me to look for you," I said explaining what happened. "Now we have to go to the fountain to meet them there, they're probably worried."

"We're not going to the fountain Y/N."

"Huh?" I responded seemingly confused at what my grandma was saying. "Why won't we go there, my mom and dad are probably waiting for us."

"We don't have time, let's go," she said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me with her.

"No!" I shouted as I distanced myself from her. "We are going to the fountain!" I demanded.

"Y/N you don't understand. I know you're just 11 years old but for what happens now, I need you to be mature," she continued putting both her hands on my shoulders. "Your mom and dad are not at the fountain, they won't be, they can't be..." she said, but I stopped her in the middle of her sentence.

"They are not dead grandma. They're not!"

"Sweetheart, you already know. If your father was okay they wouldn't have been able to even find the house, and without his protection curse, I don't think your mom, my daughter, could survive," my grandma said while breaking down. Her body was trembling from the moment she saw me, and now, the only sounds I could hear were her sobbings.

I didn't know how to respond, they can't be dead, can they?

Those questions were devouring my thoughts as I let my grandma embrace me. My hand touched my head in an attempt to wake me up. It felt heavy, like a burden on my shoulders.

Is this a nightmare?

I felt the hot tears running down my cheeks, and as I went to try to wipe them, I realised.

It's pouring. Those are not my tears. I can't cry anymore.

Lost In Paradise [Gojo x reader x Nanami]Where stories live. Discover now