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The music is way too loud to be actually enjoyable.

People are too high.

Girls are too slutty and boys are too dumb to understand which one of them actually enjoys being touched like that and which one is just too drunk.

I just watch them, from the leather couch where no one else can sit on in our house. My brother is somewhere smoking or banging with some chick, or chicks...who cares anymore: when there is no quality, it's all about quantity apparently.

Not for me. My eyes are just on her. She looks so disoriented...like she's just in the wrong place. And surely she is because there Is no fucking way that she's actually having the best time of her life. Her black jeans fit her perfectly, and the blouse is sheer but not too revealing. Just enough for me to see where her breast starts, and the little tattoo she has on her left clavicle. Which I was not expecting at all from someone like her.
All put together...so sweet...so trusting.

She's the most covered girl in the entire house but she doesn't seem to care. She's looking around, probably wondering if being there it's a good idea or not. Her hair is curled up and falls perfectly on her shoulders. She is like a beautiful child that for the first time gets lost in the park because she saw a butterfly and wanted to run after that...and I want to play with her more than with anyone in there.

Her innocence triggers some thoughts that are just so hard to contain. And probably those same thoughts are shared by the dicks who fooled her to get her at our party.

I will watch them from afar, but in the Maverik brothers' house we have the ultimate power and it could take me one minute to make those jackasses say their football carriers goodbye.

Some dudes from the Red Lions, the school team invited her to mess with her, and she must be really blind if she thought that came from their good hearts. Dillar, the quarterback just approached her, but she keeps her guard up: good girl. Don't fall for his act.
He touches her arm, and she doesn't like that, but still, she's smiling at him, not to piss him off probably.
He whispers something in her ear and then takes her hand.
Please don't be so stupid as to follow him. Nothing good can come out of that.
I play with my drink and taste the alcohol like it's the first time. It burns my lips and then my throat just like fire started spreading in my whole body.
She looks at him. She is thinking to go with him. Baby please. Don't be naïve.
But then she goes to the kitchen and while she turns and leaves, those animals check her out like she's just a piece of meat.
They start laughing and are so pumped up for their quarterback conquest. You are not going to get her Dillar...I'll burn the house before letting those scumbags touch her.
To be fair, her ass is just perfect: round, sculpted...who saw that coming.
I get up from the couch and follow her. First I give the jocks an explicit look: you don't touch her. You don't even think of getting close to her.
But when they are together they just get more stupid and they don't understand threats the easy way.
The kitchen is weirdly empty and she is giving me her back, while she takes a plastic glass with liquor.
"I wouldn't drink that if I were you." I tell her, making her flinch. She turns towards me and then looks down at the bowl with the punch.
"Everyone is drinking that." She says bravely. Please girl, don't be like everyone else.
"So if everyone gets wasted and sick, you're going to do that too...that's smart." I say and I just realised that I sound like my parents, but that's not the point. The point is that she is way smarter than that...so why did she come tonight?
"Am I dreaming or Holden Maverick is really lecturing me about drinking? Tell me this...how many parties did you see me at?" She asks me, laughing without facing me.
I hold the kitchen counter. My knuckles turn white. Why does she have to play this role? She doesn't need to. I want to see her true self, not the facade she's showing everyone else's.
"I'm not lecturing you. I'm just offering you a better option." I tell her while opening the drawer in front of me and grubbing a bottle of whiskey. She looks at me and I finally see her eyes. They're dark, deep...you could fall and lose yourself by staring too much at them.
"Whiskey? I'm not sure it's my thing..." she says. And I laugh. She looks at me like I just hurt her feelings.
"Yeah, I think I'm going back. Nice talk." She says and when she passes over me I stop her with my body. She's way shorter than me, but I like that. I like that she has to show me her bare neck to look at me in the eyes. I have the chance to analyze her tattoo. It's a little cage, with the hands holding the bars. I wonder what's the meaning.
"What's your name?" I ask her and again she has the same offended look painted on her face. What the fuck did I say wrong now?
"So typical. Probably the reason why I won't tell you my name, it's the same as why you don't know it after four years in the same school, attending the same classes." She says.
That's it, baby. Fight me. But then go and fight those entitled assholes as well.
"Don't take it personal. I don't care about people's names. They're irrelevant to me." I tell her, not because I want to justify myself, but because it's the truth. They are just faces to me. Nothing more...However I would like to know her name. She's intriguing.
"Yeah, whatever, your royal highness. And by the way, you, making fun of me? I can handle that okay?" She says and then she moves me and leaves the room. I hear her whisper "jerk" and it makes me laugh. But what did she mean with "making fun of her"? I like making fun of a lot people, girls included, but that wasn't the case.

HOLDEN - The Mavericks SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now