Chapter One: Dont Fuck With Old Man Gaagii

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New Hanover, The Town of Valentine, 1914

"Heya Bo? Ya ever heard the story of 'Old Man Gaagii' Like his actual story?" A young boy asks, looking upwards into the branches of a tall but skinny oak tree.

"Clinton, why are you asking about the old man?" A voice asks with confusion deep within the dark branches of the oak.

"Just, some of the adults were whispering about him, calling him a 'savage' a 'redskin' and another word I shouldn't say. Did you know any more about him?" The young boy Clinton asks with a hint of innocence in his voice. A teenage boy jumps from the tree, landing on his feet; he holds a rifle above his head as he stands there. "Bo, what's with the gun?"

"Clinton, Clinton, don't tell ma and pa, or ill use this on ya, get me?" Bo points to the sky with his rifle and does a fake shooting motion, "Bang!"

"Stop kidding around, Bo! Tell me his story!!" Clinton slowly shows that he's annoyed, and for a 5'3 kid, it is easy to tell.

"Clinton!" Bo says, dodging his question, but an idea slowly forms, and it's like you can almost see the light in his eyes glow, "Clinton, do you know how to get to Daybreak Ranch from here?"

"Yes, of course, Bo!

"How's about we go there?" Clinton's jaw drops so hard it almost falls off; he stares at Bo with excitement and a little fear.

"Are ya sure, Bo?"

"Damn right, I'm sure!" Bo cocks the lever of his rifle and screams like a bull rider, smiling at Clinton, "Let's go now! Get! GET!" The two boys playfully punch each other's shoulders, and Bo starts dragging Clinton by his shirt towards a large farm outside the town. As they get closer, their nerves begin to flare up. On the outside, you wouldn't be able to tell that Daybreak Ranch is a farm; on the outside, it looks like an abandoned manor, but once, it was a prosperous, large ranch.

"Bo... Are we sure about this?" The young boy says as they reach the gate to the Daybreak property.

"Are ya scared? Remember you wanted to see him!" Bo teases his little brother as he opens the gate. The gate makes an eerie creaking, and thunder starts to roll in from over the mountains.

"Bo! I just wanted to hear a story!!"

"What better person to tell a story than the main character!" The sky starts to darken as the two boys step onto the ranch grounds, and the feeling of being watched washes over the boys. The two continue their walk; as they do, they pass decrepit dead trees standing taller than they should. Bo, the older, taller boy, holds his rifle close as they walk towards the steps of the main ranch manor.

"Bo, I suppose we can't back out of this?"

"Not at all, Clinton; go and knock." As the little boy walks up the steps, he stops and stares at a window near the door.

"Bo, I'm scared. Please do it for me." The boy begs his older brother.

"What? Have you wet yourself already? Fine, I'll knock, but you owe me." Bo walks up the stairs past the little one ruffling his hair. He holds the rifle in one hand and knocks hard and loud; the door to their horror opens on its own, creaking at every inch it opens. Bo aims his rifle inside and calls out. "Old Man??" His voice cracks with fear, "Are ya home?"

"He's not home, Bo! Let's just go." Clinton turns to leave but is immediately pulled towards the door forcefully.

"We are in this together, Clinton, and we are going in!"

"Bo! Are you trying to get arrested?" The child says hysterically panicked.

"What if he's in danger, Clinton? What if he can't tell us?"

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