Who's the FOOL?🌸

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.....It was another normal day in Hastinapur....

But not so normal for Draupadi and Karn.... they both had an heated argument after which Karna left her chamber walking away with attitude...Both were stubborn minded and none of them gave up when it came to proving their point!

Both were stubborn minded and none of them gave up when it came to proving their point!

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The Pandavas came to know about it and hence decided to sort their problem.

Yudhisthir started the conversation on dinner table where everyone was looking at both of them while they both were ignoring each other to the fullest.

Yudhisthir: "Panchali...I think you should apologize jyestha bhrata as you were too harsh with your words towards him"

Draupadi opposed: "No....thats not true...he should apologize for what he did"

Draupadi banged on the table with her fist in frustration.....

Karna too did the same in reverse.... "I WONT!!!"

Karna frowned: " I am not going to apologize....you were wrong and you yourself will come to me....that too within 2 days...!" He challenged.

Draupadi jumped out and screamed: "Never! You will be the one to apologize first!" saying so she went away...

Karna sat there shaking his head with frustration.

Arjun and Nakul sat with him after dinner while others went away.

Arjun tried to lighten his mood and came up with a solution: "Hey! Dont worry yaar...you know what...you need her to apologize right....
Lets play a prank with her!!!! If she falls for it...she has to apologize at the end."

Nakul too loved the idea. He encouraged Karna more "Yes brother! Day after tomorrow is April fool's day lets fool her...its gonna be so much fun...." the boys gave each other a high five!

The same day night Arjun and Nakul went near Draupadi's chamber and started discussing in an audible tone so that she could hear...

Nakul: "Did you come to know bhrata Arjun? I just overheard pitashree talking to mata about Matsya desh's rajkumari Vrushali's marraige with our Jyestha?"

Arjun: "I know right....she was quite impressed with bhrata Karna's dhanur vidhya when we visited Matsya desh. She was head over heels drooling on him...and now that she is here to visit us, I am sure our parents are planning something to return the favor to Matsya desh's king virat, who is pitashree's childhood friend"

Nakul: "I know I know...now pitashree and king will behave like a typical hindi film drama scene where fathers seal the marraige with the dialogue "kyu na is dosti ko rishtedari me badal dia jaay' 🤣"
saying so...they both laughed and purposely went away after the die had been cast!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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