3. "greeting"

688 21 3

type 61 : "men of.. green ?"

the light medium tank is confused of why is she a part of the men of green

type 61 : "im sorry uh.. i-im not a part of the men of green.. perhaps these green men you familiar with looked like me"

???? : "oh uh.. my name is arpeggio el lalena. nice to meet you.."

type 61 : "type 61. thats my name. nice to meet you arpeggio-chan"

|arpeggio perspective|

the metal elephant. who speaks with a young lady voice. or maybe this metal elephant is a girl. and the thing is she is not part of the men of green. despite the similarities. and why is she named type 61 ?

type 61 : "her name is arpeggio el lalena"

???? : "interesting... beau nom"

???? : "61. i want you to introduce her to us"

type 61 : "h-hai 60tp-sama"

type 61 : "arpeggio-chan. this is my friends. that roundhead is namrd 60tp lewandskiego"

60tp : "Witaj panienko arpeggio"

type 61 introduce the roundhead that is named 60tp. again. strange names. who would have a name 60tp ?. lewandskiego sounds like a relitively normal last names. bur 60tp as a first name.. strange

type 61 : "the one that is colored blue is named AMX-50b. but just call him 50b ok ?"

arpeggio : "hai... uh.. 50b-sama"

50b : "bonjour mon cheri arpeggio"

again. strange names. but this time. the blue colored metal elephants is named amx 50b. even weirder than 60tp. the blue elephant itself lookes weird... she wondered whats the strange square shape thing on his.. head ?.. whatever that turning thing ?

type 61 : "the beige one is called fv215b 183. but just call him 183b"

183b : "jolly o' miss arpeggio"

183b ?.. again.. the desert beige metal elephant is named after a number.. like the others. why ?

arpaggio : "what are you ?"

type 61 : "v-tanks arpeggio-san. we are called v-tanks"

|v-tanks perspective|

type 61 begain to explain what v-tanks are.... arpeggio.. has no clue. all she heard is this hybrid war

60tp : "we have to go. the rest are waiting"

50b "61 mon cheri. let go regroup"


60tp and 50b already go first.

type 61 : "h-hai... eto... arpeggio-san. climb on me"

|scene change, rest of the group|

ms1 : "hmmmm.. where are those guys"

they have wait for an hour. is4 so starting to get anxious. he dont want those guys in a bad situation

kv2 : "hey there they are !"


they spotted them accross the river. the 4 tanks has come back. and it loom like they have bring a woman. with a.. staff. the woman is hanging on type 61.


type 61 : "hold on arpeggio-chan"


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