5. "closing battle of rondel"

472 13 2

hey im back. sorry for the long wait. but here it is. oh and also happy ramadhan out there. to you muslim readers hope ya guys have a good time spending time with your family

members currently :
-60tp (leader)
-fv 215b 183
-type 61
-vk 16.02 leopard 'pardy'
-type 34


|new vivas, late evening|

shizuka keep quiet in her tent. keep thinking about the team, but she also have to relax. leopard is sure they can handle it. but to her... still not sure.

???? : "私の主よ、私は来てもいいですか?"

[my lord may i come ?]

(yeah i used translate, sorry)

someone speaks in her native language

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someone speaks in her native language. chi-to the one who speaks, the sister of RPG.

shizuka : "ああキト何があなたをここに連れて来るの?"

[ah chito whats bring you here ?]

chito : "何人かの人々はあなたが外にいるようだと言います....ええと心配しています....そして..あなたは大丈夫ですか?私はあなたに会いに来ましたか?"

[some people say you seems out of.... uh worried.... and.. are you ok ? i've come to see you ?]

shizuka : "*sigh* 私は知りません..多分私は妄想的です...その..それは私を妄想的にしたスカウトチームです..."

[i don't know.. maybe i'm paranoid... its.. its the scout team that made me paranoid... ]

chito : "ねえ、あなたはそれらについて心配する必要はありません、彼らは大丈夫でしょう、確かに"

[hey you don't need to worry about them, they'll be fine, im sure]

shizuka : "ねえ..多分あなたの権利...彼らは大丈夫だろう私はただの妄想だ"

[hey.. maybe your right... they'll be ok i'm just paranoid]

chito : "*giggles* あなたは私の主を休ませる必要があります~"

[you need to rest my lord~]

|meanwhile back at rondel|


zorzal infantry : "ARGHHHHH!!"

type 34 : "thats.. thats the last of them"

the fighting stops at dawn. it was quiet. everyones gun barrel is smoking after all the fighting. 60tp breath in relief..

its over....

50b : "we did it. we did it"

fv183 : "haha, just another day with the tanks!"

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