4. "battle of rondel"

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60tp : "engage ! engage !"

the scout team got some uninvited guest. zorzal wyverns attacked them for revenge. arpeggio was shocked at the firepower these v-tanks had

type 61 : "uwaaa !! >-<"


arpeggio : "t-type 61 slow down !"

type 61 is scared. she dodge and weave. arpeggio hold on but she ask the japanese tank to slow down.




60tp : "gówno ! type 61 ! you and arpeggio go to rondel to go get help !"


is-4 : "argh cyka !"


spic : "eat shit !"



wyvern rider : "ARGH !"

spic : "haha !"

type 61 : "w-w-what ?!"


183b : "go to rondel kid !"

type 61 : "b-but what abou-.."

is-4 : "we can hold them for now ! now go !"

type 61 : "h-hai ! arpeggio-chan ! were going to rondel"

the rest of the team hold off the wyverns. and type 61 along arpeggio escape to rondel hoping for help.


type 61 : "arpeggio-chan ! is there like an army of security force in rondel ? or perhaps the men of green ?"

arpeggio : "uh.. i-i dont know ?! ive been gone for two days. last time im there there was no army and men of green"

type 61 : "great.. how the magicians ? can they fight ?"

arpeggio : "yes !.. i think"

type 61 now knew that rondel has magician. she hopes that these magician atleast can fight

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rondel. a city in the empire. known for the home of the magic academy and home of the master sorcerers. located in the mountains beside a lake and rivers. its also a gorgeous city with blue and green dome shaped buildings.

 its also a gorgeous city with blue and green dome shaped buildings

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