The Colors of Spring

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The warm soft sun rests on her cheeks, a sweet scent of nectar fills her nose, the slight breeze calming her down.

She can feel something soft under her head.

" Wasnt I sleeping on the grass?Who moved me into a pillow?", it was the thought of the girl.

The two had found a new "secret" hangout spot —well Asahi did— so they decided to play there.

She tried to open her eyes and adjust to the light of the sun.

She struggled to get up.She can feel something wrapping around her, as if telling her to stay.

Yuki reached for something and her fingers were met with a hand.A hand that belongs to her precious friend.

Yuki glanced at Asahi,who had a tiny smile on his face.

He looked peaceful...his flower crown made by many different flowers, hung over his head,it was slightly wrinkeled but still maintaining the beauty it has.

Yuki felt a blush rose from her cheeks,she just realised that she had slept on Asahi's stomach before waking up.

She shook the thought off her mind.

She walked off to watch the bees and butterflies instead,leaving the sleeping boy alone. 

About five minutes later, Asahi woke up.

Feeling the weight atop him vanished, he hastly got up to his feet.

A frown made it's way to him, he felt worried and maybe a little disappointed that Yuki left him.

But he couldn't let such thoughts bother him,for now he needs to find Yuki and ascertain her safety.

He rushed to the flower field where they made their flower crowns earlier.

The delicate petals of the sakura trees slowly fall, coloring the path that he stood on with a vibrant shade of pink.

There,near one of the sakura trees,he can see the familiar white haired girl that he was looking for.

He approached her,she was petting a small black bunny that had somehow found it's way to this secluded place.

"Yuki-chan!" ,He called.

Startled, Yuki let out a small yelp, that made the small bunny's instincts trigger and thus hurriedly hopped away.

" scared me.." ,Yuki whined.

"Sorry.." , saying his sincere apologies, he stood next to her.

"Ahh...Bunny-san-", Yuki turned her attention to the bunny she was petting earlier, only to realize that it has left already.

"Huh?..Bunny-san?!.." , Yuki shouted,but naturally there were no response.

She stood up, determined to find it, despite not knowing the direction it went to.

"Wait!!-.." , Asahi tried to stop her, but Yuki had ran out deeper to the forest.

Reluctantly he followed her and ran to the direction she went to.

Surprisingly the forest was not too deep,and Asahi found his way out almost instantly.

In front of him was a clear blue lake,he can see the bottom of the lake even from afar.

"Bunny-san!", He heard Yuki triumphantly said.

Catching the bunny in her hand and petting it with the other.

"Dear god...please don't just run off like that,you could've gotten hurt." ,Asahi advised.

"Okay.." ,Yuki said,clearly ignoring what he had just said.

"Do you want to pet it too?" ,She asked.

Asahi gladly petted the bunny,earning a giggle from Yuki.

"You're so rude,Asa-kun.."

"How is that?"

"You should have asked permission to pet it first" 

"You didn't ask for permission either"

"..h-huh?!..well, i'm an exception!" ,Yuki retorted quickly.

" How hypocritical.." ,Asahi teased.

" Am not! I told you i'm an exception!"

After a while,the bunny hopped off from Yuki's lap and ran towards the lake.

"Whoa!..Bunny-san!" ,Yuki attempted to follow it once again.

"Gahh!!!" ,Yuki yelped.

She tripped over a rock and was now falling into the lake.

Asahi quickly bolted as fast as he could,and caught her hand just as she was about to fall in.

"Yuki-chan!..are you alright?!.." ,he asked with a worried expression.

"Ah,yeah..i think i'm fine" ,Yuki smiled.

"Thank you,Asa-kun!"

Asahi let out a sigh of relief.

"Baka!..what did i tell you earlier?! You could have died!" ,He scolded.

Asahi knew that Yuki didn't know how to swim,and what she did nearly made him lose a heartbeat.

"Hey! Don't call me that!" ,Yuki retorted back.

"I will if you stop being one" 

Yuki only pouted.

"Come on let's get back home" ,Asahi took her hand and draged her back to her house.

Yuki followed. 

Maybe that was enough playing for the day.

Yuki AozoraWhere stories live. Discover now