My Sunflower

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Summer break had just arrived.

The two agreed to play together in their secret hangout spot once more.

It was very early in summer and yet the temperature had risen up significatly.

Thankfully,the lush trees provides shades around them that made it just a little cooler.

The two was sitting in the grass,proping their backs into one of the trees,reading yet another novel that Yuki brought.

After a while,they got bored and decided to stop reading for now.

Yuki closed the book,and closed her eyes.

She can feel everything,the grass under her legs,the sturdy trunk of the tree,the wind brushing againts her skin.

She opens her eyes and glanced at Asahi,her thoughts clouding her mind.

After a few moments of contemplation,she decided to speak up.

"Asa-kun?...dont you think im annoying?"

Asahi looked at her,confusion clear in his face.

"What do you mean?.."

She had been having these thoughts for a while,and she just wants to get over it and have the answer.

"I mean when we play together i always get you into trouble, i would often ignore your warning and i—", She was cut off by Asahi's laughter.

Confused,Yuki raised an eyebrow.

"You're so amusing!", He said between laughs,"Yeah,you definitely do what you listed,but even after telling me all this,you wouldn't change how you behave right?"

Yuki was in a stunned silence,her thoughts going wild, "See?...i told you that he's annoyed by you — he does'nt even try to hide it!".

"But that's why i like you," Asahi's words pulled her out from falling any deeper in her thoughts.

"You're stubborn,You wouldn't change just because someone thinks bad about you..."

"give me a moment—", He stood up,and scurried over somewhere.

"Here!", Asahi came back with a sunflower in his hand,giving it to Yuki with a sweet smile.

Yuki who was still confused took it,muttering a quiet "thanks" after.

"Do you know why i gave it to you?", Asahi questioned,"Because you remind me of a sunflower."

"When the sun let out its anger,a sunflower would stand tall not faltering once.", He explained.

"Just like you, Even when people would talk bad about you, you don't let it bother you, instead you face it head on with no hesitations."

"Ofcourse...going fowards with no direction or strategy cant always works,...", He holds her hand,"Which is why im here, im going to help you towards your direction so you can run through it without a second thought!..."

"Begone, hateful thoughts!..." ,Yuki was pulled into a hug.

"Shoo!..stay away from my Yuki!"

Since she was a child, Yuki had never made any strong connections with anyone except her family, let alone somebody who she could call a friend.

She was akward,she could never introduce herself infront of the class.

She was not doing great in her grades,and she was not atlethic.

All and all, she was someone you could call "hopeless". Somebody with no future.

But that's the reason why she made her own world.

A world with all her hopes and dreams, a world with a future she wants to re-create in the real world.

A world where she had a friend.

Tears dripped from Yuki's cheeks and falling into the soft cotton that made up Asahi's shirt.

She hadn't realised that she was crying until now.

"...Thank you, Asahi." ,She thighten her grip and let her tears fall freely.

"It's alright, i will always be with you..."

They didn't know how long they stayed that way, hugging eachother and letting out their emotions. But, it was really nice.

As the sun was setting in the horizon,the two were holding hands on their way back home. They felt at peace.

That was the day when the two grew inseparable, no matter what hardships they have to go through in the future, they know that they'll be cheering for eachother.

Yuki AozoraWhere stories live. Discover now