Chapter 2

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Two months have passed since the Treaty of Kuo Kuova, the United States and the Republic of Meguinede have been at peace with each other and become excellent trading partners. Sienna on the other hand decided not to become the leader of the White Fang, instead, it was reformed into the Special Forces of the Self Defense Force. This branch is called "Menagerie Special Forces". Not only that  The US Military has also agreed to train alongside with Meguinede Self-Defense Force. An Embassy has been built in Kuo Kuova where Saika Sakamoto and Miguel Francisco can reside. The USS Gerald R Ford is currently stationed in the ports of Menagerie. As the sailors were out doing some training, unknown contacts were spotted, entering Menagerie airspace. 

US Sailor: uh oh we got contacts

Over the skies of Remanan's southern hemisphere, an Altesian aircraft soared through the skies being escorted by other ships. 

Pilot: This is Manta Leader, We're just of the coast of Menagerie

Captain: roger that. Once you reach shore, deploy the paladins and the Ak-200s

While the Captain was prepping, they have made contact with unknown aircraft they have never seen before. F-20 Leviathans have made their presence in front of them. It was a design they had never seen. It turns out that Menagerie has America's old fighter jets from the early 21st Century. 

Captain: What is that thing?

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Captain: What is that thing?

Then they were contacted by the ships.

Radio: This is the Menagerie Self-Defense FOrce, you are trespassing Menagerie airspace. Evacuate the premises immediately or we will open fire.

The Captain stood dumbfounded. He wondered how the hell they got these types of aircraft. They knew that Menagerie was a weak nation with a little military. 

Y/N: THis is Captain Y/n of the Atlas Military! Do you dare to threaten us?! Surrender your land to us!

With that response, it seems they will not withdraw from Menagerie Airspace. They tried a second time, but still refusal. They gave them a last warning as well. With that last warning, open fire was made. 

Menagerie Pilot: Open Fire!

The F22-Raptors fired at the Atlas ships with their new rocket power and gunship. It was a direct hit as they tried to avoid it. 

Menagerie Pilot: Direct hit!

The Captain looked in horror as his entire fleet was shot down by what he assumed were primitive dropships. What remains is his airship.

Menagerie Pilot: This is the Menagerie Self-Defense Force! This is your final warning withdraw from Menagerie airspace or you will be shot down.

 Pilot: Captain we need to withdraw now!

Pilot 2: We are over the Kuo Kuana settlement

Captain: OPEN FIRE! DEPLOY THE AK-200s and the Paladins.

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