2. Kisses and Cold Showers

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Stiles woke as the sun was just beginning to peak through the blinds in his room. He yawned and stretched his arms over his head, his toes hanging off the end of the bed. He lay in there watching the sun slowly fill the room, forming patterns on the ceiling. He didn't remember the last time he had slept so well. He felt so content he loathed getting up and thought about just snuggling back up with his pillow and skipping school altogether today.

"Stiles, come on your going to be late, let's go son!" Stiles dad called through the door eliciting a groan from Stiles.

So much for skipping class. "Coming dad.. almost ready."

"Yeah right... get up and get movin' buddy. I have to go so don't go back to sleep!"

"I'm up. I'm up!"

Stiles rolled out of the bed and dug through his clean pile grabbing the first t-shirt he came too and pulled it over his head. He grabbed a clean pair of boxers to shove in his bag because he had gym last period today so he would be able to get a shower in then, he didn't have time to get one this morning without being late. He rushed to the kitchen and grabbed a bagel, tossing it into the toaster as he ran to brush his teeth. Tossing the toothbrush back into the cup he ran his fingers through his hair making it stand up in the front, then giving his reflection a thumb's up and a wink, he dashed to grab his backpack. Stiles snatched his bagel out of the toaster on the way out the door managing to have the first half devoured before reaching his jeep.

Stiles had the second half hanging in his mouth to get his keys out of his pocket and open the door when the hair on the back of his neck rose. Stiles jerked around scanning the street and the neighbor's yards. He was sure he was being watched, every nerve ending was prickling with hyperawareness. He had learned over the last few months to listen and pay attention to his instincts. Not wasting any more time he jumped into the jeep and fired it up, thankful it started the first try.

The ride to school felt like it took forever when in reality it was his normal routine. Stiles got lucky with his parking spot as someone was pulling out when he pulled in or he would have had to park all the way in the back lot. As it was, he grabbed a spot right up front and threw the lock as he dashed for the front of the school.

Stiles tossed his bag into his locker just as the first bell rang and Scott spotted him and rushed over to walk with him to class.

"Dude, what happened to you last night? Did you not hear Derek call me out over that party?" Stiles was still slightly peeved that he had been left to fend for himself.

"Sorry man, I had to get Kira home for her curfew, besides you know Derek's bark is worse than his bite."  Scott laughed at his joke punching Stiles in the arm good naturedly.

"OH ha ha, yeah no... not so much. You didn't see him last night! He seriously wanted to take a bite out of me! Like... a huge chunk... right here!" Stiles made a big show of grabbing his neck and miming tearing a chunk out of it then clutching his throat like he was dying.

"Well your alive and not bitten so I'd say you handled yourself just fine without backup buddy." Scott patted Stiles on the back as they took their seats in class.

"Yeah, but barely."  Stiles muttered under his breath as the bell rang and class started.

Stiles mind wondered, unable to concentrate on anything the teacher was saying this morning. Too many weird things were happening again, plus he had been in such a damn hurry to get to school he had forgotten to take his Adderall. Great, so much for focusing today, not to mention his emotions jumped all over the place when he didn't take it as scheduled. His brain flitted from one topic to another until he noticed Branden's jacket hanging on the back of his seat across the room. The jacket was black leather and was similar enough to remind him of the one Derek always wore.

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