6. Locker Rooms and Darkrooms

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Scott waited in the locker room as long as he could for Stiles. He waited until the bell rang, announcing the three minute warning before class started. He didn't want to be late, so Scott rushed off figuring he would catch Stiles during or after class and ask what had been so important that he hadn't shown up. But Stiles wasn't in class... he wasn't at his locker after class let out either. Scott kept waiting all morning for Stiles to show up, had sent him several text messages telling him what an ass he was for making Scott hang out in the locker room and then not bothering to appear and now he wasn't even at school.

                Lunch time rolled around and Scott entered the cafeteria expecting to see Stiles sitting with Isaac, Lydia, Allison, and the newest member of the group, Kira, at their usual table. No such luck. Scott frowned as he walked up and asked the group in general, "Anyone seen or heard from Stiles today?"

                The group gave a collective, "No,"... "Not today,"... "He's probably at home jerking off," this last came from Isaac with a smirk. Scott normally would have found Isaac's cracks about Stiles amusing, but today it felt wrong. He unintentionally gave Isaac his pissed off Alpha look making him slump down in his chair before Scott managed to school his features into a more neutral expression.

                "Sorry... bad timing?" Isaac looked at Scott hopefully, to see if he was forgiven.

                Scott waved it off like it was nothing and Isaac visibly relaxed as Scott told the group, "Stiles called and wanted me to meet him in the locker room to discuss something this morning. I don't know what it was but it sounded important, then he never showed up, and now I can't get a hold of him and he isn't in school."

                Scott didn't have to tell the group he was worried. They could see it all over him and Isaac piped up, "Did you call Derek and ask if he's seen him?"

                "Why would I ask Derek if he's seen Stiles? They barely tolerate each other."

                "I don't know about all that, but when I went over there to see Derek night before last he smelled like Stiles so he must be keeping in touch with him."

                Scott gave Isaac a look of confusion before pulling his cell out of his pocket and dialing Derek's number.

                Derek picked up on the fourth ring, "Yeah Scott, what do you want?" His voice sounded strained and tired.

                "Uh, hey Derek, I hate to bother you man but, have you seen Stiles or heard from him today?"

                Derek stopped short at the question, "Um, no why would I have!" he answered a little too quickly. Then he wondered why Scott would be calling him to look for Stiles, wasn't he at school.

                "Don't you guys have school today?"

                "Yeah, but Stiles called me all cryptic like this morning, saying he had to talk to me about something and wanted me to meet him in the locker room but he never showed up."

                Derek had a moment of panic as he thought he knew exactly what Stiles had wanted to talk about before his rational side took over. He knew Stiles wouldn't have missed that conversation unless something bad had happened and he told Scott, "I'll be there in ten minutes."

                "Oh, no man you don't have to come here, schools not out for two more hours anyway."

                "I'm coming." Click...

                Scott looked at the now silent phone more confused than ever. Derek's obvious worry had Scott more panicked than the actual missing Stiles. Derek didn't get worked up idly and Scott let the rest of the group know Derek was on his way. They all took turns slipping out of the cafeteria a couple at a time so they didn't leave en masse making it obvious to the teachers. They quickly made their way out the side exit, slipping undetected through the parking lot toward the already waiting Camaro with an impatient Derek in the driver's seat.

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