10. Insecurities and Forever

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Stiles sat in the jeep staring at his house, reluctant to go in. He'd spent the last six weeks basically living at Derek's while he was healing and the last three had been near perfection as far as he was concerned. Stiles closed his eyes, his head tossed back on the headrest, as he thought about the last few weeks.

     Derek seemed to recover faster and faster with the more contact he and Stiles had and he was all too willing to oblige the man his touch. They spent hours curled around each other on the couch watching TV, or laying in the bed with Derek reading out load from one of his favorite books, the sound of his rich voice lulling Stiles into a near blissful coma. They had made out like crazy until they were both panting with desire but Derek wouldn't let it go all the way again.

     At first Stiles had been hurt and thought Derek was regretting what they had done together and that idea made Stiles stomach curdle. Those moments were basically engraved on his brain with a mental shrine of lit candles, incense, and a life-size statue of baby Jesus being held by a virginal Mary, so the idea of Derek having regrets didn't sit well with him. However, Derek realized to easily what was bothering Stiles and quickly dispelled that idea by kissing him breathless and proceeding to engage in a mind-blowing blow job for good measure. So Stiles didn't understand what the big deal was but Derek, being Derek, was not talking. Anytime Stiles tried to bring it up Derek would just distract him. Granted he distracted him in some very creative and sexy ways... some very sexy ways... ways that were making Stiles have to shift uncomfortably in his jeep just thinking about them.

     Dammit. He had to stop thinking about it and just go in and get back to life the way it was before he'd had mind-numbing sex with Derek. Yeah, right, like that was even remotely possible. It's all his hormone filled brain could think about. Stiles huffed and slid himself out of the jeep at a snail's pace and trudged into the house dejectedly.

     "Dad, your prodigal son has returned." He called out; dropping his bags on the floor, but instantly knew from the echo that no one was there.

     Great, his dad had finally said 'enough' about all the time he was spending at Derek's and now he wasn't even here to lament to. Perfect. Well, it wasn't like he didn't have a crap ton of homework he needed to catch up on to keep him busy and his mind occupied. Well this was just peaches and cream... that's just how he wanted to spend his first night alone in weeks, nose buried in a book. Hell no, he'd rather be buried in... NOPE, Stiles, you can't think like that. Just go do your damn homework before you fail this class.

     Two hours later Stiles couldn't take anymore silence or Norse Mythology, even if he couldn't help but picture Chris Hemsworth as Thor every time the name slid into his vision on the pages of the text. Mr. Hemsworth would forever be the epitome of that character as long as Stiles lived... and he was A-OK with that. But there was another living and breathing Greek God that was occupying his thoughts too many minutes out of the last two hours that made him antsy and his skin feel too tight. Sighing, Stiles decided it was time for a hot shower and then hopefully some undisturbed sleep.

     The sun was setting as Stiles left his room to shower. He took his time stripping, allowing the water to steam up the bathroom and dispel any chill in the room. The water was hot on his skin, running in rivulets that eased the tension in his back and neck allowing him to finally relax as he leaned against the shower wall letting the spray massage the strain from his body and his thoughts wondered.

     Stiles thoughts, of course, strayed to Derek. It seemed thoughts about Derek took up about eighty percent of his time these days. He doubted there would ever be a day that didn't go by the rest of his life without thinking about Derek. That or the memory of being possessed by a demon fox that he really hadn't had a lot of time to process because he had spent almost the entirety of the last six weeks worrying about Derek and not what he himself had been through.

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