3. Dead Batteries and Pheromones

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Stiles had spent nearly forty-five minutes in the shower, waiting until his skin turned wrinkled and blue from the cold. Shivering, he hastily pulled on his clothes thinking he may never be warm again, but at least the lingering effects of his kissing with Danny had finally dissipated. He wasn't sure if his testicles were ever going to descend again after the barrage of cold water he had inflicted on himself but he supposed that was the price you paid when you let yourself get all hot and bothered by the most unattainable person on the planet. Somehow his ten year plan to make Lydia fall in love with him seemed like a shoo-in compared to the probability of him and Derek ever hooking up.

Stiles trudged slowly to his Jeep trying to think of anybody or anything besides Derek. Not knowing what else to do, he only wanted to get home as fast as he possibly could. If his luck held out, his dad would have to work late and he wouldn't have to face him tonight. He wasn't up to his dad's probing eyes and constant questions. They were questions that he just didn't have the answers for right now. The best he could hope for right now was another night of sleep like he had last night.

Climbing slowly into the jeep and tossing his backpack into the back, Stiles inserted the key in the ignition and turned it. There was a clicking noise but nothing else.

"Oh my God! You have got to be kidding me!" Stiles tried a few more times but already knew it was no use. The click... click... click... of the ignition told him either his battery was dead or the ignition had finally gone out on the jeep. He slammed the steering wheel, "Really!... Can this day get any worse?... Seriously!"

Stiles pulled his cell out of his pocket and dialed Scott and was just beginning to think he wasn't going to answer, topping off his day, when Scott's voice finally came over the line, "Hey Stiles, what's up dude?" the sound of girlish laughter was heard in the background.

"Scott, you got to come pick me up man, the jeep is down and I need a ride home."

"Uh... hang on a second," the sound of the phone being muffled and distorted voices came across for a few seconds then Scott was back, "Hey listen I'm kind of in the middle of something right now but I can have my mom come pick you up. She is getting off in like ten minutes is that ok?" Then he whispered, "Sorry dude, Kira and I told her parents we would eat here and this is all new and everything, I just don't want to mess this up. It would be nice to have a girlfriend whose parents didn't want to kill me, ya know."

Stiles gripped the phone tightly for a few seconds then relaxed, "Yeah, man that 's cool, just get her here... I just want to get home."

"Stiles, you all right man?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure I'm fine, just tired. Had a long day... Look, you call your mom, I love your mom...  will give me a chance to say hi to her, she hasn't had any Stiles alone time in a while anyway." Stiles laughed letting Scott know it really was fine.

"Thanks man, I owe ya one. Ok let me call my mom and give her maybe twenty minutes."

"Ok, see ya later... and Scott?"


"Kira as good a kisser as Allison?"

"Shut up, I'm hanging up now!"

Stiles laughed as the phone clicked in his ear imagining the blush Scott would be trying to hide from Kira. He was too easy, almost took the fun out of it... almost.

Stiles ADD made it impossible for him to just sit in the jeep waiting for Melissa to get there so he got out, dug around in the back pulling an old lacrosse ball out, and climbed on the hood of the jeep laying back and tossing it in the air to pass the time.

Stiles did a pretty good job distracting himself from thinking about Derek. He was proud of the fact that he could recite the entire Gettysburg Address in his head and not drop the ball once as he did so. After that speech was done he moved on to the Declaration of Independence filling in the spots he couldn't remember with his own witticisms. The beep of the horn behind his jeep startled him, he had been engrossed and didn't even hear Melissa pull up. Wow, that was fast he thought as he rolled non-to-gracefully off the hood and stood up facing the car behind him then nearly fell to the ground before managing to grab to side mirror and righting himself.

The Unexpected Journey- A Sterek NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now