Chapter 4

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Hello! Once again hope you are liking the story i am trying to make it the most enjoyable for all of you!

- fighting
-break up

George POV:

The bright light coming from the curtains made me flicker my eyes to see a yellow jumper? Weird... Wait, omg i don't have my glasses on. So I tried moving my arm but i couldn't then i remembered last night, wait that mean i am with! Omg this is so embarrassing, i got my hand free after a lot of tugging I reached down to grab phone to see the time.
7:32 and four messages from, Ninja.

I opened the messages

Ninja <3

Hey babe where are you? ;10:45;
I came home from work to see you not here?
The festival ended an hour ago . Where are you??

Babe your making me worried, were are you.;11:00;

God why dose he even care anymore, geez. Well i shouldn't really be mad, i mean our relationship has been spiralling downwards so i can understand why he would cheat, But still that is really bad. God i don't even know what he will say when i get home. In fact i don't wanna go back home really. Looked up from my phone to see Clay face, he looked really cute sleeping but i really have to go home.I tried moving away from Clay grip but immediately got pulled back tighter than before followed by a small groan

"Five more minutes"
"No Clay i have to get up and go home"
"Noooo stay, you don't need to go home"
"No i have to, c'mon let me go you idiot, besides Sapnap will probably be home soon"

Clay finally let go of me so i could get up, as i walked over to his bedroom door to open it he came up behind me and hugged me around my chest

"will you at least stay for breakfast?" he asked with his face buried in my neck

" fine just breakfast" i open the door and walk over to the kitchen with Clay still buried in my neck hugging me which i didn't really care, i know it counts as cheating but Ninja did cheat to and he isn't really good looking any more so it is more like a win win situation.


After breakfast me and Clay then walked out to his car to dive back to my house, I really did not want to go home but i knew if i leave it longer it will just make it worse. The drive was relative quite with Clay every now and then asking "are you sure you want to go?" which i  replied with "positive, if i leave it longer it will make it worse" it was not a far drive from Clay house

"thanks for the ride Dream"
"your welcome, just stay safe ok?"
"i promise Dream i will be fine"

Dream turns away like he knows I going to get hurt but Ninja would never hit someone.....would he? No I have never seen it and he has not done it to me so we are all right. I hope so. I waved as Dream left the street, took a deep breath and walked to the front door opening it slowly

(Shits about to go down!!!! If you don't like fighting (words fighting) then skip to the next chapter. All right grab your food and tea cause I am about to spill it on to the floor >:] )

I walked into my house, it was dead quite as I shut the door behind me it broke the silence though out the whole house

"were the hell were you?" came a voice from the living room

"I should ask the same question to you." i said annoyed

"what? No you answer my question first" i let out a sighed and leaned against the door frame

"i was at Dream house" he looked at me with he eyes wide in anger

"Why were you there!?"

"well someone decided to lie to me!"

"what?... what do you mean-"

"YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT MEAN, LYING ABOUT GOING TO WORK TO GO TO THE FESITVAL JUST TO CHEAT ON ME, HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSE TO IGNORE THAT??" Ninja was lost for words he knew that was all true but had know idea to say

"got nothing to say? yeah... i though so"

"w-well you never payed attention to me and-"

"OH I didn't pay attention to you eh? you were always sooo busy with 'work' YOU never left time for me you know how broken I am!"

Then the room went still, quite once again

"Get out" i said


"I said get out"

"W-Wait you can't kick me out of my house!"

"It was never your house! It was mine! I let you stay in here!! Get OUT!"

"You know.... Your right.." Ninja started I looked at him confused

"I have been a dick cheating on you, never speeding time for you..... I should've know better, we probably should just be friends I-If you still want to be friends."

I felt bad now Ninja should of done things better during our relationship but he had a kind heart in him and deserves something better than. This relationship.

He got up off the couch and went to pack up his stuff I knew what I had to do


Ninja had finished packing, I was standing at the door waiting for him, as he walked down the hall towards the front door we looked at each other

"Hey Ninja, um I will still like to be friend if you want to."

"Really!? I mean thank you George it means a lot."

"well i guess this is good bye then, promise you treat her better?"

"of course, it was a pleasure to be with you" Me and Ninja hugged and then left, i waved him good bye then shut the cold out from the house. i leaned against the door then turned so my back was against the door as i slid down the door until i was curled up against the door 


sooooo i wrote this on my phone and laptop and the word counter says different on both 

so i put it in a different word count aaaannnnd they all say  something different so i am going with my laptop

anyways eough of my trobles have a wonderful day/night/morning/afternoon/evening!

word count ~577~

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