Chapter 6 (aftermath)

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LOOK! I AM SORRY SAY THAT WAS THE LAST BUT  BUT BUT! I had something in my planner for this story i forgot to add sooooooooooo yeee i do dis now :D


Reader POV:

After some months it looked like George and Dream got closer and closer as the days past till Dream was building up courage to do some he had only done once to another but we know based on this story that didn't work as well as Dream affection to George, it was very different to what he used to have with the other spouse but that didn't matter now, now was his chance to restart and try again.

"c'mon dude! it has been painful watching you fluff around!"

"yeah it has been painful watching you do this"

Sapnap and Karl had been complaining to Dream that he had spent this much time with George and had nothing to do in a act of his true love for him

"fine fine. i will ask him... b-but what if-"

"if your about to 'wHaT iF hE rEjEcT me' that is the biggest load of-"

"Sapnap! anyways what he is trying to say is, you and George have gotten this close that we are sure he wont reject you"

"You think so?"


"ok, yeah! it is time i do" 

George (aka my crush)

hey Gogy ;)

what do you need Dream

could you meet me at the sakura tree near the fountain in the town square?

ummm sure what time?

at sunset

ok! see you

George POV:

that's a weird time?? wonder what he is up to? and to meet at that time? actual what time is it? 6:30! at the sun is about to set! could of given me a hour at least to look nice whelp gotta go fast.

"heyyy George where you going so nice and fast? Quackity questioned

"Dream wanted to meet up"

"at this time??? oooo might be something romantic~" 

"oh shut it Quackity, hey and were you last night"

0-0" uhhh i might of been outttt drinking and playing cards....."

"you- *sigh* i will deal with you later, gotta go"

"well- cya!"

Reader POV again:

Dream had been pacing up and down from side to side of the sakura tree waiting for George to arrive "he probably will stand me up" 

"Dream! sorry i am late"

"oh! you actualy came"

"what do you mean i said i would, you should of gave me a heads up but it is fine"

"o-oh i probably should of"

"Nah it is fine, so what did you want tot tell me?"

"oh that well.....i- we have been good friends for awhile right? even more sometimes" Dream said as he blushed pink

"yeah more...  *mumbles: i wish we were more than 'friends'*"

"and those sometimes  are the thing i kind of want to be more then just sometimes i want them to be majority of the time!"

"w-what do you mean?"

Dream revealed a rose from behind his back presenting in between he and George, it had no thorns with a couple leaves left on it  and all petals in tact with a blood red colour 

"w-well what i am trying to explain to you is. would you like to be my boyfriend George"

George was lost for words but new exactly what to answer with

hahahahahahhaha cliff hanger!!!!!!!!!!!!

hehehehe i am mean >:]

no but seriously here is the LAST PART!

"yes!yes! of course Clay!"

George lunge into Dream arm giving him a hug which Dream happily returned then leaded both their heads to then push into a passionate kiss under the sakura tree in winter 

it is so wholesome!!!!! i wish i had that :']

#single #materialgirl

words: ~580~

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