Chapter 1 : Holy Trinity

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Some school works is stressing me, i can't manage to keep it well because I can't handle it all by my self. It's too heavy to handle but something makes me smile and lessen my stress over school works and it's my friends.

" Y/n!! Are you okay? " Hina.

I smiled and nod she's with Emma and Senju im sure Yuzuha is still on class because she had different type of class time to us.

" Im good how bout u two? "

" We're doing good, Yuzuha said that she'll be late so she let us go and wait her on the cafe. " Senju

" Huh? Why? What are we doing at the cafe? "

" We're going to introduce some boys to you since you're single maybe you want??? " Emma

" Huh? Haha no way emma I'm still struggling at school works I don't have time to date like you guys "

" Hey! Me too I don't have a boyfriend " Senju

" It's okay it's not our fault that we fall in love right? Emma " Hina

" Cringe. "

" Don't be selfish now come on before the cafe got full " Emma

We're currently walking and talking about something and we saw Takemichi and others.

" Oy!! Mitchyyy! "

Takemichi look were the voices found and saw us. We're waving and Mitsuya, Mikey and Draken was also looked where takemichi's looking.

We walked and emma and hina hugged their ' boyfies ' while senju and i are just watching their lovestory.

" Emma what are you doing here? " Draken

" Nothing, Just something gonna be introduced?? " Emma

" Yeah i heard they we're brothers and the other are just friend " Hina

" I think they're handsome " Senju

" Is that Rin- " mikey got stopped by Mitsuya and Draken.

" Who? "

" Ah- eh it's nothing haha " mitsuya and draken

Takemichi is confused too. Maybe he also didn't know who are this Brothers talking about.

" Why don't you come with us? For sure Yuzuha will be happy if y'all also come "

" Yeah let's go " Mikey.


After walking for a while and some chitchats on the street, we arrived at the cafe. We sat at the large table.

" Yuzuha is taking a bit longer " Emma

" What do you expect from her she's a slow poke " Senju

" Stop that haha "

The boys still remains silent and takemichi got bit awkward with them.

" What's wrong with them? " Takemichi's thought.

After a few minutes of waiting Yuzuha Arrived.

" Hello sorry- oh you also here? " Yuzuha

" Yes we take your apology Ms. Slow Poke " Hina, Senju, Emma and Y/n

" Alright alright im sorry girls i got late because of my professor scold me from being sassy with chifuyu " Yuzuha

" Why this guys are quiet? What's wrong? " Yuzuha

" It's nothing Yuzuha it's just awkward with girls " Mitsuya

" Ah okay, anyway the 3 mans will be here in no minute so suit well girls this is hot combo " Yuzuha

" Stop Yuzuha im taken " Emma and Hina

" Green flags " Senju

Yuzuha take a sit beside me and we ordered some coffee and other are juices and dessert.

A 3 mans stand infront of out table and Mikey, Draken and Mitsuya froze because what they guess is right.

" Yuzuha Shiba right? " A fine cut man talked.

" Oh- Ran Haitani?? " Yuzuha

" Yes. Haha it's me this is my brother Rindou and my addict friend i mean my loyal friend Sanzu Haruchiyo " Ran

I smiled because they're all good looking not gonna lie.

" You three looks hot " Senju

Also Emma and Hina was stunned at the three guys infront of us.

" Oh boss! Mikey, Mitsuya and Draken you also here? " Ran

We all looked at them in confusion.

" What do you mean boss? " I asked

" You're pretty, we're in a gang and mikey is our leader. " Ran

You blushed at sudden compliment.

" Gang? I thought takemichi is with you all why he doesn't know you three? " Senju

" Ah because he hadn't seen us it's his first time " Ran explains.

" Explanation Sano Manjirou " Emma

" Fine. Okay? Takemichi is a new comer since he wanted to join then i let him join for today he's our spy or reporter since he's unrecognizable to be part of us " Mikey.

That also explains why Draken and Mitsuya put their hands on his mouth.

- end of the chapter -

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