Chapter 20 : Swimsuit

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She got chills on her back and looked at Rindou who's sitting at the edge of the pool.

" I didn't know you have a tattoo on your stomach. " Rin

" I have this when i turned 18 because I'm bored " Y/n

" I bet Boss didn't know that you have that tattoo " Rin

" Ofcourse he doesn't so he'll kill me tomorrow. " Y/n

" Go swim with them I'll join you later. " Rin

" Okay enjoy your time " y/n

Before Rindou left he gave her a sweet kiss before leaving.

She dived and stay underwater for a second and swim towards to them to scare.

She touched Emma's Legs and she heard her scream under water. Y/n surfaced and Laugh at her reaction.

" Do you want me to kill you?! " Emma

" Hahaha im sorry okay? Ahahaha " y/n

" So how's relationship with Rindou " Hina

" I don't know. " Y/n

" Is that a correct answer? " Yuzuha

" I really don't know he's talking with Yumi earlier " y/n

" What's the point? Are you jealous? " Senju

" Yuzuha said that he's only comfortable at the one who he likes or close to be. " Y/n

" Yes. Its right " Yuzuha

" Don't be sad i know that he loves you or we'll kill him if he doesn't " emma

She laughed and they start to swim and play the ball. The night is really good and all of them are happy.

" That brat i didn't know that she have a tattoo " Mikey

" It's okay boss she's in the legal age " Ran

" She also have a nice body " Sanzu

" Ran if your brother messed up at her do your work. " Mikey

" Yes I don't also want Rindou Hurt her. " Ran

" I'll do the information " Sanzu

" Okay " Mikey

After an hour Y/n and the others are Drunk because they're having shots at the pool and they drank so much.

" Hey You two go save those girls they're drunk " Mitsuya

" Does ladies is troublemaker they'll drown " Draken

Takemichi and Draken Rans because Hina and Emma are starting to get dizzy. Mikey also notice Y/n Senju and Yuzuha.

" RINDOU! GO TAKE Y/N OUT OF THE WATER! " Mikey shouts and Rindou looks at Y/n who's getting dizzy walk at the pool.

Emma and Hina are out of the pool and Hina are talking weird with Takemichi

" YoUarE sOooo HandsOme " Hina

" Shut up go take a sleep. " Takemichi

Emma was laughing because of Draken

" HahahAhaha Draken why aRe yoU heRe " Emma

Draken didn't answer and he just Go the room to keep her sleep and change.

Mitsuya Save those two remaining girls and they we're still talking

" SenJu yOu knOw toDay is oNe ofThe besT dAy " Yuzuha

" I kNow RighT " Senju.

Y/n saved by Rindou and take him in his room to Make Y/n change into sleep wear.

He's carrying her in a bridal style while she's still talking.

" Let me Down iM stiLl dRinkiNg " y/n

" You're drunk go to sleep " Rin

" I AM NoT dRunK " y/n

" You are " Rin

Y/n stopped talking and she became sad at sudden. And put her index Finger at His lips.

" Do you think I'm not beautiful like Yumi? " She suddenly asked

" You're beautiful. " Rin

" Then why are you having fun with her and not me? " Y/n

" Do you want an attention? " Rin

She nods slowly and Rindou bit her Finger makes her growl.

" That hurts! " Y/n

" You're the only one i love y/n " when they reached his room he opened it and closed. He locked it.

" What are you doing? " Y/n

" Do you want me to prove it to you? " Rin

" I need proves. " Y/n

He started kissing her wildly and put her standing. She's also responding not because she's drunk. She's jealous she want what's her property is just for her not for public.

" I don't want to share you. " Y/n

The Swimsuits she's wearing was dropped down at the ground and the night becames wild.

( Just imagine what happened )

- end of the chapter -

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