Chapter 25 : Valerie Sano

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Y/n got hitted by a car and Izana keeps him and drove at the hospital.

" Fuck fuck fuck " Izana.

He pushed his speed at the limit and reached the Hospital. They scanned her and go to the operating Room.

After and hour Mikey Emma Yuzuha Hina Senju and Shinichiro are at the hospital. The doctor got out and said

" I'm sorry. Both of them died due the impact in the belly " Doctor

" What do you mean? " Mikey

" Y'all doesn't know that she's pregnant? " Doctor

", She's pregnant?! " Yuzuha

" I'm sorry but she can't make it. You can visit her there. " Doctor pointed at the dead on arrival room.

Emma falls and cries also izana keep punching the wall. Mikey left Shinichiro sre just blank at the bench.

She died.

Meanwhile on Rindou's Side. He doesn't leaving the house and just watching TV not until a news came up.

Breaking News: Y/n Sano got hit by a car and found out dead on the Hospital. Her relatives are on the hospital crying .

He dropped the glass he's holding and rushed out of the house. He droves at the hospital and Ran was also there.

The time when Hina saw Rindou she walked infront of him and Slapped him.

" How could you. " Hina

Her tears falls and Rindou just in a blank.

Izana noticed him and the glare he have is the most dangerous thing.

All of them are crying Shinichiro are silent crying because he lost the one who wants her mother to be treated like a princess

" Izana I'm sorry " Rindou

" Sorry for what Rindou? My cousin died! She died! Along with your baby. " Izana

His tears also falls while Ran was at the back listening at their conversation.

" I can't talk to you right now Rindou leave us alone " Izana

After the suffers. The Ceremony of her death began she's on the coffin she's just like sleeping.

She's smiling.

They held the burial at the Sano's House. Emma was still traumatized what happened all of the gang also got notified and they're at the burial leaving a Respect at Y/n.

Mikey and Izana are just on the just on the side feeling lifeless.

Rindou attend the burial and the Sano didn't mind hin since they're out of energy to fight back.

" I can't believe she died " mitsuya

" I know she's the only princess of Sano " Draken

" I feel sad for them. " Takemichi

5 days of helding a burial was end and on the day of the coffin will be down at the lowest part of the soil Izana wasn't there. He's On his flight didn't attend the last day.

All of them cried Y/n's Friends cried and the other executives that are close with her Mikey and Shinichiro. Also Rindou was crying on the side.

Her coffin was now under the soil. And everymonth Sano siblings are visiting her grave.

After 6 Years since Y/n Died Izana didn't go back there and now he's planning to go home and reveal his wife.

" Motha, come pick me up at the airport at January 7 " Izana

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