Chapter one- Dreaming,Silhouettes and theatrics (Lorcan's version)

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     Lorcan was dreaming.

     Every night for the past twenty years a silhouette of a woman appears before him. Sometimes he can see outlines of her face, sometimes she is nothing but a shadow but never was he able to see her clearly. Yet what really struck him was the feeling of comfort, peace she brought to him, a feeling he was not very familiar with.

    Each night was different, sometimes they were just looking at each other, and at times they were dancing with their foreheads pressed together.

  But tonight was more peculiar than the others, because this time his woman was running, as if she was being chased. He tried to run to her, to scream for her attention yet nothing seemed to work because he couldn't move. It was as if his feet were glued to the ground and his mouth was sewn shut.

  "Look up at the clouds" whispered a feminine voice, so soft it seemed to have been traveling with the wind.

  Lorcan was confused but before he could do anything, he woke up.

"Wake up you old bastard" a familiar face with long blonde locks sang over and over again.

    Deciding that he was in a bad mood that day, the first thing he did was kick Fenrys in the nuts.

    Hunching over, knees buckling the blonde cupped his hand over his dick, as if it was gonna do anything.

   "You.are.cruel" Fenrys managed to squeak out. He then continued to  dramatically fall to the floor with his eyes screwed shut.

    Ignoring him, Lorcan went outside to eat breakfast. Immediately he was met with the figures of his four other companions sitting in the logs they had cut up yesterday to use as chairs. In front of them was a fire with a pot of  boiling water, from what he smelled was boiling the eggs his friend, Rowan, managed to get for them that morning.

    He had to admit he was quite tired of eating eggs but to someone like him these eggs were a blessing. It's not everyday a soldier with his responsibilities had enough time to eat, not to mention that he was demi fae.A mix of human and fae that both kinds had a problem with.

   Most times people could be brutal.

   But of all people who was he to talk. To some he was nothing but a frightening, barbaric savage who enjoys killing everyone on his path and others thought he was a pathetic demi fae who became a soldier to prove a pathetic reason.

Some were true but most were just rumors because he did not enjoy killing, only someone heartless can enjoy what he does. But he did have a reason to be a soldier, a reason that is anything but pathetic, to him at least.

   But it didn't matter what he thought, or said because nothing will change the way people thought of him. And after multiple centuries he found himself not caring. Yes, at first he did care, and yes at first it hurt especially when children would run away from him just because he walked into the room.  But he's used to it.

   "Lorcan" Gavriel called out to him, bringing him out of his thoughts.

    Walking towards them lorcan felt their eyes on him as if they were trying to see his soul.

    "What" coming out of his mouth in a loud demanding way, he did not mean for it to. This caused their only female companion, Isabella, to flinch. Which made him feel bad, and Rowan's glaring eyes were not helping either.

    "Are you alright?" Gavriel asked him after making sure Isabella was alright.

    "Of course" He answered, crossing his arms against his chest.

    "Nothing, I just wanted to ask you because you seemed quite lost just moments ago" Gavriel said to him with his kind tawny eyes.

    Not answering, Lorcan proceeded to get a plate and utensils. Walking towards them, he waited for the eggs to finish boiling.

   Finally Fenrys decided that he was done with theatrics and came out of the tent.

Finger pointing toward him Fenrys exclaimed "I will get my revenge, mark my word, you hear me."

    Not paying him any mind, Lorcan proceeded to look forward and his mind suddenly drifted to the woman in his dreams.

    He did not know if this woman was real or not but it didn't matter to him because this woman was his savior, his salvation. A flame that fends off the darkness that was about to swallow him.

    What he wouldn't give to meet her. To live a life with her, someone who gave him peace. He would give up everything to be able to dance and hold her under the moon and stars for the rest of his immortal life.

    Too distracted by his thoughts he did not notice Fenrys had gotten tired of him not listening to his big speech about his revenge. As he felt something hard hit him in the head. But before having the chance to murder fenrys, he heard a scream coming from above.

    "Look up at the clouds." Seemed to echo in his head as he heard the screams.

   He saw a tiny figure with these bags surrounding them, falling from the sky. Human, he scented, how did a human fall from the sky. And how can a human that tiny be able to scream so much?

    Looking around he saw the others were standing up with their eyes training on her.

Just as the human was about to hit the ground. He quickly caught her in his arms.

If she wasn't screaming like a maniac only moments ago he would have thought of her dead. If it weren't for her open topaz-like eyes, he would have thrown her to the ground without a second thought.

   Looking into her eyes a look of shock was reflected from hers to his as an immediate familiar feeling pulled at his chest.

Then she fell limp in his arms.

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