Suspicions (chapter 8 part 2??? Idk how that works)

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Kidnapped cookies + Cookies of Darkness POV
It was about sunrise. Licorice was still awake as he had to supervise, though he was getting tired. Gingerbrave, Custard and Pancake were all asleep as well as Figure skater. Poison Mushroom cookie had come in a few hours earlier and fell asleep next to Licorice.

Red Velvet walked into the room. "Figure Skater? You need to go keep a lookout." Figure Skater jolted awake. He nodded, quickly getting up and shuffling out of the room.

"Oh, and take a cake hound. If anything happens to you, it can come to me." Figure skater looked back. He nodded, walking away to another room.

After getting a cake hound, Figure Skater went back to the glowing lake he was at previously.

Wizard cookie's POV
Wizard had woken up earlier then usual. He hadn't practiced enough with the tracking spell. It was their only hope to save Gingerbrave. He walked out of his bedroom and down the stairs, eating breakfast.

After eating breakfast he went outside to the park to practice the tracking spell. He had to get it perfect.

He took the book with him, obviously. He opened it, reading the spell. To do the spell, you'd need an item of the targets possession, or an item they had owned. The more the item meant to the target, the better the spell would work.

Wizard thought he could use Gingerbrave's favourite shirt or something. If he had one.

He went through the spell a few times, practicing it.

While practicing, someone tapped on his shoulder. He turned around to be met with Almond cookie. He seemed worried.

"Hello Almond, anything wrong?" Wizard asked, turning around from what he was doing.
"Yes, very. Pancake's gone missing, and when I was asking other cookies if they had seen him, they said he went to the bakery late last night."
"Where is he now?"
"I don't know, but when I went there, I found these in the bush." Almond cookie showed Wizard Custard's crown and staff. Wizard gasped.

"I'll go see if Custard's at home, Pancake might be there too."
"Alright. I'll keep asking around."

Wizard picked up the book, rushing home. He ran inside and up the stairs, barging into Custard's room. Custard wasn't inside, and the window was open.

"Oh god, no, they must've gone after Gingerbrave-" Wizard stopped himself. Although running away to find Gingerbrave is definitely something Custard would do, he didn't know for sure.

He ran back out of the house and to the park.

"Almond cookie, Custards gone too!" He yelled, running towards Almond cookie.

Almond sighed. "Alright, gather up some cookies. We'll have to search earlier then planned. I think it's safe to assume they've gone off to Gingerbrave." Wizard nodded.

He ran off, gathering cookies.

In the end, the people going would be Wizard, Almond, Herb, Espresso and Madeleine.

"Have you got the tracking spell down, Wizard?" Espresso asked.
"I think so. I still have to get the item."
"Alright then, be back soon."
Wizard nodded, running off back to the house. He had done an awful lot of running that day.

At home, Chilli Pepper was sat at the dining table.

"Hey Pointy Hat! Where were you?"
"Out. Practicing a tracking spell. For Gingerbrave. I need to find something important to him."
Chilli pepper mumbled something, laughing to herself.
"What about that drawing he made for you?"
"Are you sure he'll care about it? It's just a drawing of me."
"I'm older then you. I know better. Are you doubting me?"

Wizard just sighed. It was worth a shot.

He went up to his room, grabbing the drawing and going back out to the park.

"You're back!" Herb exclaimed. "Yes, I'm ready to cast the spell now."

They all nodded. Wizard casted the spell, a ray of light shooting through the forest. They began to follow it.

After a while of walking, the light stopped at a clearing. It had seemed to have cut off, maybe the spell wasn't strong enough.

"It stops here. That's weird." Wizard walked cautiously closer.

They all went in. They gasped at the beauty of the clearing, the frozen lake didn't glow as much in the day, though was still very pretty.

A figure glided out from behind a tree, Madeleine ran in front of them all. The figure jumped a bit, skating out.

"A kid? What are you doing here?" Madeleine asked, walking a bit closer. He still stayed off of the ice.

Wizard walked back a bit. Something was off about this cookie. They seemed sketchy. The spell cut off here, and it did look like it was cut off by a cookie more then of natural causes. Wizard put it aside though. This was a kid, they looked almost younger then Wizard.

"Um- I'm Figure Skater cookie. I live here, is there anything you need?" He asked.
"We're looking for a cookie. He's- well- a gingerbread man."

Espresso facepalmed at Madeleines bad explanation.

"Oh- I saw that cookie. I could lead the way if you want? Though I don't know how you'll get past the lake-"
"That's fine, we'll find a way. Thanks for helping us, Figure Skater cookie! I'm Madeleine cookie, that is Espresso cookie, that is Herb cookie, that is Almond cookie and that is Wizard cookie!" Madeleine pointed at each the cookies while saying their names.

Figure Skater just smiled, skating across the lake and to the other side. With Espresso's magic, they managed to float over.

Wizard was still skeptical of the cookie.

They followed Figure Skater to the same cave he lead Custard and Pancake to. As they entered, he muttered a small sorry and stomped on the stairs with his ice skates. An ice wall formed behind them, blocking the cave exit.

"What? What is this?!" Madeleine asked, turning to Figure Skater.
"A trap. Are you stupid? We've gotten trapped." Espresso cookie said.
"Everyone calm down!" Almond tried reassuring them. Red velvet walked up to the stairs, followed by cakes.

Red velvet attacked, his cake arm coming out from the ground and picking up Espresso. Madeleine grabbed his hand, trying to pull him down. Almond threw his handcuffs at the cakes. Herb began healing.

Figure Skater cookie cowered behind Red Velvet while the others were attacking.

Espresso managed to get free, attacking Red Velvet. Figure Skater backed away.

"Figure Skater, go to Licorice!"

He hesitated, but went.

"Where is Gingerbrave?" Wizard asked while the others fought away the cakes.

"Like I'd tell you!" Red Velvet attacked Wizard, grabbing him. He managed to slip lose.

Wizard hit the ground with his staff sending lighting through the ground and to Red Velvet. He groaned, falling down. He held himself up with his sword.

The others ran off, searching the rooms. Figure Skater, who was still watching and not over with Licorice ran to Red Velvet.

1148 words without A/N

A/N: I wrote lots. Anyways um it's my holiday now so for a while you might get more frequent updates if I'm bothered.

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