Rescue (chapter 9)

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A/N: I'm running out of pictures for that image at the top so licorice.
Tw old hag dark enchantress cookie !!!!

Wizard and the adult's POV
They ran through the lair, trying to avoid fighting with any other cookies. They thought they were doing well, when they bumped into Pomegranate cookie and Dark Choco cookie.

"You think you can foil our plans? You'll have to get through us first!" Pomegranate scowled, beginning to use her magic. Dark Choco was frowning, standing still until he suddenly attacked as well. Madeleine jumped forward to protect them.

"Don't worry, you go forward! I'll stay back here!" Madeleine yelled heroically, fighting back. Espresso sighed, standing forward with Madeleine. "If I don't stay here with him, he'll get himself hurt. You all go forward."

"Alright then. Come on, let's go." Almond replied. They kept running through the lair. It was like a maze, every turn they took was wrong.

They turned to a room. It was very big and covered in cages. "Don't let your guard down." Almond reminded. Wizard and Herb nodded. They proceeded through the room.

Wizard looked around a corner to see 2 larger cages. One with Gingerbrave asleep in it, and the other with Pancake and Custard asleep on each other. He turned to Herb and Almond, motioning them to come closer.

They looked over at Licorice who was half asleep, though he looked completely blacked out. Poison Mushroom cookie was leaning on him asleep.

"I'm going over." Wizard whispered.
"Are you serious??" Almond replied. "We don't know if it's safe."
"I've got to save them, I'm going." Before Almond could stop him, he was creeping towards the cages.

He examined it, seeing the lock on them. He glanced over at the keys which were on the table behind Licorice. He took a deep breath, walking over to it. Before he could grab it, he tumbled, waking Licorice up.

"Huh- what are you doing here!" He jumped up to his feet, Poison Mushroom falling over.

"To get Gingerbrave back! Why'd you take him in the first place anyways!?"

"Obviously because I'm EVIL! Why else??"

Almond ran over to behind Wizard.

"Give us the kids back!"

Licorice groaned. "Why do you want them so badly??? I'll admit it, I don't even know why we took Gingerbrave! She just told us to! And she told us to take anyone who stood in our way!"

Gingerbrave was awake now. "Wiz! You came!" Wizard cookie looked over to Gingerbrave, smiling under his scarf.

"Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?"

"If you all don't leave, I'll make you!" Licorice started summoning his licorice servants, striking the two with black lightning while at it. Herb ran out from where he was before and began healing them.

"Liiicoricee, why are you fightingg????" Poison Mushroom slurred out. "They're trying to take Gingerbrave back, help me fight!" They just listened, helping out with their spores. Almond threw his handcuffs at them, and Wizard hit them with lightning. Licorice cookie's servants hit Almond to the ground (probably breaking his old man back in the process). "Almond cookie!" Wizard growled.

He hit his wand on the ground as hard as he could. He thought he might've broken it in the process. Lightning flooded through the ground leading to Licorice and Poison Mushroom. They both fell.

"It's over." Wizard walked over to the desk. Just as he was about to get the keys, he heard the door slam open.

Dark enchantress cookie walked over. Behind her were Red Velvet, Figure Skater and Strawberry Crepe cookie.

"How DARE you come here, and hurt my children?!?" She yelled.

The three turned around. Wizard stumbled backwards. "Dark Enchantress cookie!" He said.

Gingerbrave was trying to find a way out of the cage he was in. Pancake and Custard were waking up from the noise.

"Custard, Pancake! Do you know how we can get out? Wizard's here to save us!" Gingerbrave whisper-shouted.

"I don't know! What can I do??" Custard replied, Pancake still asleep leaning on him. Gingerbrave turned around to the other cookies. They had already started fighting.

Espresso and Madeleine ran over, both injured. Herb healed them while Wizard and Almond attacked the dark cookies. Gingerbrave then thought of something.

He'd seen Wizard draw glyphs before, though he rarely succeeded. He could make a glyph to try getting them out. He stood, beginning to draw what he remembered as the Latte glyph Latte cookie had taught him and Wizard a while back.

743 words without A/N

A/N: heyyy sorry this took so long, I couldn't be bothered to write. With devsisters being problematic, it's made me not want to write anymore. Don't worry I will finish this story though. After I finish this I'm planning to write a story about Figure Skater cookie because I think his backstory is interesting. Anyways bye now.

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