The Only Time Violence Is The Answer Is When Friendship Is The Problem

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Eleven kicked the football forwards, lost in her thoughts.

What did Twenty-two mean?

"I'm not important, I never was."

She held up a picture of her friends, Twelve had insisted they take a group photo, and used Fourteen's camera to do it.

As usual, Eleven was in the back, she never was in the front, or anywhere where it was easy to spot her.

The only times she was really a focus is when she played football.

Other than that, she was just a filler object.

An extra.

A nothing.

"Hey! You can't do that!"

Eleven looked upwards and gasped.

Fourteen was pointing angrily at the What-ifer, who whooshed and swivled about.

"Give it back!" He yelled, trying to stop the ball from circling him.

"You don't need it right now." He responded, albeit amused.

"I'm in the middle of a skate park! Why wouldn't I need my skateboard?" The double lucky clearly wasn't enjoying himself, "Give it back, I need it."

"What-if.. the skate park, was a ranch instead?"

"A what?!"

Soon, the whole area that Fourteen had loved so much was erased, being replaced by an empty ranch.

"..what have you done?"

"It's a ranch now." The What-ifer chuckled, "What if Fourteen owned it?"

Fourteen gasped as his helmet changed into a hat, gaining the articles of the stereotypical cowboy.

"Now ride like the wind! And go find cattle!"

Fourteen stepped backwards, dropping the lasso, "I...what? No! I don't want to do any of that!"

"You don't have much of a choice."

Eleven ran over, "What-ifer! What's this all about?"

The What-ifer only pushed Fourteen forwards, "It's nothing, now go on."

"I don't want to!"

Eleven yanked her friend away, "It's something alright! Now stop it! He doesn't want to!"

"That's what I said!"

The glowing ball seemed disappointed, "Leave. It's not your turn yet."

"Turn? What-ifer, what are you doing? You can't just.." She searched for a word, "..'what-if' whatever you want!"

"Or whoever you want.." The skater-turned-cowboy added.

"Oh, but I can! You see.. You all seem just so content with your lives, you don't ask questions anymore."

"Because that's what CONTENT means!" She responded, "That isn't any reason to force us through whatever your mind desires!"

"I'm not forcing you, I'm just showing you that you'd like it MUCH better if things were different!"

"You really believe that?" Eleven stopped, eyes wide, "Just because we don't ask questions doesn't mean you have to."

"I do," He insisted, "You need to learn that change is good! You can't expect life to be the same all the time! It's not, and I intend to teach you all that. Now leave! I have a lot to do."

Fourteen threw down the cowboy hat, fitting another helmet on and shot a furious glare towards the What-ifer.

If looks could kill, the What-ifer would've died several times over, but sadly, it wasn't a hypothetical question that was asked, so the face Fourteen made was pointless.

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