You Stopped Me in My Tracks and put Me Right in My Place

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I hated leaving Riko there, but Hiz was right-we couldn't be late for that meeting in the morning and if we stayed, it was almost a certainty we would be. I dropped him off and headed home, thoughts of her in that dress swirling around my head. I could just see the edge of the bite I left on her shoulder peeking out and every time I thought about it, my dick throbbed. This one, tiny woman, has full control of me, mind and body.

It still floored me how fearless she is. From our first encounter to how she didn't hesitate to tell me what she wanted that first night we slept together. I wanted to know if she was always this way. I wanted to know everything about her. I want to ask, but judging her reaction whenever I run my hands down her back, she's not going to want to tell.

I'd tell her everything if she wanted to know. I'd tell her how I would have loved to see her and Obe go at it. Pretty sure she'd be the only one who could best him in comebacks. He really would have loved her. I realized as I drove through the dark streets that despite all the time we've talked and spent with each other, I don't know much more about her other than she grew up in Brooklyn and at some point, moved here.

She knows fuck all about me too, though probably a fraction more than I do about her. She knows my oldest friend and my most annoying friend, my job as a hero and cop and now as a teacher but that's about it. I want there to be no walls between us, I want to tell her everything, even the bad things. I want there to be no question that she is the greatest thing to ever grace my life.

Then it hit me; does she even want to know these things about me? What if she never asked because she doesn't care that much about me to wonder? Has everything I'm feeling been one-sided and I've misread it all? The fear grew and twisted in my stomach and by the time I reached my parking lot, I was a full-blown shaking mess.

Rarely did my anxiety get to me this quickly or this severely. I was pretty good at hiding it most of the time, but when it came to Riko, everything was raw. Every emotion, every sensation, every sight and sound with her dug deep into the very core of me. I've never felt like this with anyone else and that in itself, scared the shit out of me.

I took a few deep breaths and tried to calm myself down before I got out of the car. They at least slowed the way my hands shook when I got out and made my way up to my apartment. Shiro was waiting with an annoyed 'meow' by the front door when I walked in. I picked her up, letting her head butt me as I walked to the couch and flopped down, setting her gently on my chest where she immediately settled in with a soft, constant purring.

"How am I supposed to sleep with a head full of her?" I whispered to the empty apartment. I laid there for a bit longer, lazily stroking Shiro's fur before I forced myself with great effort to get up and get a shower before I went to bed. Even in the shower, I was surrounded by her. I went through the motions, not even bothering to dry my hair before laying down. As I laid there in the dark all I could think of was her. He smile, her eyes as she laughed, the way her lips felt on mine, her small body clinging to me, her touch, soft on my skin.

I couldn't ignore the raging hard on I had any longer either. I had tried to will it away in the shower, but it just wouldn't quit. I thought maybe if I just tried to go to sleep, it would eventually go away, but now I just ached. I sighed and grabbed the lotion from my bedside table before freeing myself from my boxer briefs. As soon as I touched my cock, it made me miss Riko's soft hands around it.

I could almost feel her climbing on top of me, gently grabbing my dick and lining herself up on it. She'd slide down on me, slowly, a faint moan slipping from her lips as she stretched to take me all in. I could feel how wet and warm she was as I bottomed out in her. Her hands trembling slightly as she runs them over my chest. My eyes are drawn to her perfect attentive nipples as she draws in a few deep, ragged breaths, settling herself around me before rolling her hips in the most perfect sinuous motion on me.

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