Chapter 4: What are you hiding?

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What the...

Phineas stared in utter confusion as Leo flirted(?) with the guy that had just sat next to him at the bar. No, scratch that question mark, Leo was definitely flirting with him. Well, he supposed that was one way to integrate themselves into the community.

It was just so strange to watch the moody little twat go from a huge arsehole to a smiling flirt. There was no doubt about it. Leo leaned against the bar, drink in hand (he'd clearly forgotten that he was supposed to get Phineas and Sebastian drinks as well) and laughing at whatever the guy said.

Fair enough, he was a good lucking guy. Phineas had no idea what they fed the children on this island but they were all so tall and built like heavy lifting Olympians.  The guy with Leo was no exception. Michelangelo could not have carved a more masculine physique, he looked like the David statue. Bulking muscles, a large nose that complimented the sharpness of his face, thick brown curled hair that bobbed and swayed as he took delight in making Leo laugh. For all his masculinity, there was something quite soft about him.

It was the way he looked at Leo. What a soft look. Almost... puppy like. Yes! A puppy. Phineas could practically see the guy sprouting two big puppy ears and a wagging tail.

Leo reached forward and placed his hand on the guy's thigh. The guy flushed bright red, from the tips of his ears to the nape of his neck. Adorable.

"He looks like a puppy, don't you think?" Phineas japed to Sebastian.

Sebastian nodded his head and made a slight grunt that Phineas interrupted as a noise of agreement.

The guy turned his face away from Leo in attempt to hide his embarrassment. Leo -still being an arsehole despite it all- just leaned closer to the guy and whispered something in his ear. Whatever Leo whispered caused the guy to turn an even deeper shade of red, if that was even possible.

"He's so cute." Said Phineas, laughing at the sight. Poor guy, he didn't know what he was getting into.

There was a scraping sound. Like nails against a chalkboard. Phineas looked around for the source of the sound. He even shook his finger in his ear and cleared it to see if his ears were just ringing.

"Did you hear that?" He asked Sebastian.

Sebastian made no answer, his hands were gripping the table and his eyes were focused on Leo and the guy. His eyes looked even darker in that moment. How was that possible? A trick of the light? Phineas could not bear to look at him any longer. For some reason, Sebastian caused a primal response in him. Flight or fight. His heart was racing and it was becoming harder to breath, it felt awful and somehow he knew it was because of Sebastian. He felt like a rabbit narrowly avoiding the gaze of a creature far bigger and far more dangerous than himself.

What was he on about?

He sounded ridiculous. There was a perfectly normal explanation for Phineas' physiological response. He thought for a second, he didn't have a heart condition and he didn't suffer from low blood sugar or anything of the like. Oh! He forgot to take his anxiety medication this morning. Of course. Goodness sake, you'd think he'd remember after so many years. No wonder he'd felt so tense all day. He probably hadn't taken any when he first met Sebastian as well which was why he'd been so nervous.

No... no, he definitely took it that day. He was a nervous traveller, he remembered pouring himself the glass of water and doing it before he left the house. Or was he misremembering? It was like trying to remember if he had locked his front door. He was one hundred percent sure that he had, and yet, the more he thought about it the less sure he became.

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