Chapter 5: Strangers are strange

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Shoutout to @Hussu_Kimesha and @Krutika2311 for already theorising about what's going to happen. I can confirm nothing ;)

Phineas decided not to question Sebastian on what he meant when he said he would eat later tonight. He simply took it as that he had had a large breakfast with Leo and was full.

Surprising for a man as big as him to be full from breakfast though.

Ugh, there he went again. Theorising and leaping to conclusions that he had no business thinking about.

It was incredibly nice of Sebastian to get some food for him. He'd never had scampi before, it was a simple dish made well. He savoured the taste of it, he'd been too nervous to have dinner and too late to have breakfast with Leo and Sebastian. They'd probably be doing take out and pub lunched like this quite often during their stay.

Sebastian had even bought him a can of Iron Bru to go with his meal. How Scottish.

Wait! Sebastian bought this.

Hastily, he swallowed his food. "How much money do I owe you?"

Sebastian titled his head slightly and looked at him quizzically.

"For the meal, I mean."

"Why would you owe me anything?"

"Because you bought this. Let me pay you back."

Sebastian shook his head. "Think nothing of it."

"At least share some with me then."

"No, thank you. This isn't... my type of food."

Oh. "So, you're vegetarian?"


"Vegan? I went on a vegan diet to try and help my skin, I was acne ridden as a teenager. I was supposed to do it for a few months, but gave it up after a week. I love cheese too much. So how vegan are you?  Do you eat eggs?"

Sebastian sat there rather motionless for a moment. "I... I'm not vegan."

"Really? What other kind of diets are there? Oh my god, don't tell me your on one of those stupid smoothie diets or something? You don't need to be on it, the body will naturally detox itself."

"Smoothie diet?" He tilted his head like a confused puppy.

"Never mind. It was something a friend of mine tried, then projectile vomited carrot and lentil smoothie everywhere."

"Is she alright?"

"She's fine." Phineas smiled at the memory. It was so gross and he'd been the one who had to clean it up in the end. Horrible at the time, hilarious in hindsight. He really needed to call Lizzie at some point. "So what kind of diet is it?"

Sebastian took a sip of his pint. "It's hard to explain. Just certain foods I can and can't eat."

"Anything in particular?" Best to know this kind of stuff now so that the three of them could all live together in harmony. He could picture all three of them getting along, respecting dietary requirements and becoming lifelong best friends in the process. It was all going to be fine.

"It's a meat heavy diet." Was all he said.

Phineas nodded, taking a mental note to commit to memory. No wonder Sebastian was so buff when he just ate meat all the time.

Phineas enjoyed the rest of his food whilst making fairly enjoyable small talk with Sebastian. They never went too deep into any particular conversation topic. There was a strong itch in Phineas to bring up the topic of Sebastian's childhood on the island.

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