In regards to my associates

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Hello Lizzie,

Thank you for your concern, but I can assure you that I am doing very well. We have began to integrate ourselves with the local community and are settling in nicely to our accommodation. I have attached to this email my voice recordings of my findings from the excavation site. However, I will be blunt with you, I have found nothing of significance or anything of value. If your company could kindly let me know what it is exactly I'm supposed to be looking for, I have no doubt that it would help my excavations. Please do not reply to this saying that I must find 'something of note'. That is not a description.

Forgive me if this comes off as aggressive. One of my associates, Sebastian, has been missing for a day. Mr Leopold refuses to tell me where exactly he has gone and for how long. I find the lack of transparency in this whole arrangement annoying to say the least. Any more detail you could give me about the excavation, my associates or the island of Cernunn itself would be greatly appreciated.

I must also request that you send me more of my medication as I fear I may have stocked too low.

Kind Regards,
Phineas Wang

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