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Lol get it cuz DreamWasTaken


??? POV:

It was a subway. An odd place to be hiding a person. But of course. They like to hide things in plain sight. I slipped through a door. The door looked ordinary. It had a warning sign on it. 'Employees Only' it said. Adorable. Is this the best they could do? The door closed behind me. I saw a security camera. One? I guess this base was a small one. I held up my gun and shot the camera. Cute. Glass exploded from the lens. I have to hurry. Even if they are idiots, I knew they heard the loud noise. My shoes crunched on the glass as I followed a small map George had given to me to the infirmary.

 I sighed. I mean I expected it. He was weak. I should've known he was gonna spill. I need to get better members... But there lay his body. He looked fine. Almost like if he were asleep. The only out of the ordinary thing is that his eyes were rolled back into his head. His skin was a pale white. I knew what killed him. I had recently planted a chip into every one of my members' brain after George went missing. It exploded, causing a rupture in a brain artery causing a person to have a stroke. It only happened when members of mine leak important information. 'Snitches get Stitches.'

Sapnap's body contained a tracker as well. How else would I have been able to find him? This base was in some random subway in New York. It would have been impossible. But at least this dumbass did something did a part of his job. During his freak out session with those agents, he managed to plant a tracker in the Mexican Agent. And from what I've heard, he seems to be a very special pawn to Agent S. And all I have to do is follow the tracker and take him.

A N D  W E  A L L  K N O W  T H A T  I S  W H A T  I  D O  B E S T  .


Wilbur's POV:

"But how could he find us? There are thousands of places in the world we could be right now. Do you think he was talking about one of us? Or the both of us?" Q was just blabbering on, and I was letting him. This time around we were staying at a motel. It was called the 'Syndicate Motel' and the receptionist could not stop talking about 'anarchy', which is really concerning on our part. Who chose this place for us to sleep? Did they know where we slept last time? The view we got from our current motel window was an alleyway filled with garbage cans, not a gorgeous rainbow colored sunset. Our motel room only had one bedroom, so I slept one on the bed, while Q slept on the couch.

I groaned as my back hit the cold sheets of the hard bed. Today was really tiring. The doctors confirmed with us that Sapnap had died from a major stroke. But they said from what they could see he was healthy. Well, as healthy as an alcoholic could be. So where did the stroke come from? Well that's for the doctors to worry about. The bed was stiff. Q was lucky he got the couch. It probably was a hundred times more comfortable then this horrible motel bed.

Q sat quietly on the other side of my cardboard bed. He was being weirdly silent. He was staring at the wall, probably thinking about our next move.

"We need to leave."

I just nodded and stood up. I understood why he would say that. Actually, I was expecting it. The cryptic last words of Sapnap were very unnerving. We headed out of the small bedroom into the even smaller living room. As we started for the door, something caught my eye. There was some movement from an area in our dark kitchenette. 

"Hey, Q, I think I saw somethi-"

There was a loud crash and a pop of a gun. Q was standing in front of me, gripping his pistol, looking scarily focused. I went for my gun but then something hit me in the head. I fell on to the floor. I felt my eyes start to close.

As my eyes began to close, I looked up to see Q being muffled by someone. Someone we were looking for.


And then everything went black.


Words: 763

A/N: sorry this song has nothing to do with the chapter, I just wanted to use it lol

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