Diaper Duty

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The next morning Mike is preparing breakfast downstairs as a hungry Damien and sleepy Natalie sit down at the table.

"Natalie why don't you go back to bed, I got this." He says.

"I can't. The babies are starting to wake up." Natalie said as she helped Damien get into his chair at the island.

"Damien, how did you sleep last night?" Mike asked

"Good. I woke up with this cool necklace." Damien said happily and looked at the shark tooth in the middle.

"You like it? Mommy and daddy got it for you. But you have to promise not to take it off at all. It is waterproof and will protect you alright?" Mike says as he passes out the plates.

"Okay, I won't take it off. Thank you!" Damien said happily.

"Good," Mike says as he puts food on both Damien's and Natalie's plates. They all start to eat. "I'm going to clean up the house today. Is there anything you want me to do to help out?" Mike said shoving a piece of toast in his mouth.

"There isn't much to clean up, I did all the cleaning last night." Natalie reminded him as she ate only a little bit of her food. "I have to go feed Mason before he wakes up Max and Anne. I will be back," she said and got up from her chair and headed to the triplets' room. She picked up Mason and changed his diaper quickly before sitting down in the rocking chair and started to breastfeed him. 

"So Damien, have you heard from the evil man at all?" Mike asked.

"Well I did see him last night but he started to scream and poof he was gone. Then I started dreaming about happy things like goldfish." Damien said happily biting a piece of his bacon.

"Great! If you ever see that man again please let me know." Mike said reaching his hand out to Damien for a fist pump. The two ate in silence for a few minutes until the sound of babies crying filled the house. "I'll be back Damien," Mike says as he leaves the room to find Natalie.

"What's going on here?" Mike says as he picks up Max and cradled him in his arms.

"Anne had an episode of fire burps and she accidentally burned Max in the process but he's healing himself," Natalie answered as she was burping Anne and holding Mason at the same time. "And Mason won't let me go of course," she added.

"I can get a hold of Mason with my wind. Do you want me to grab him?" Mike asked as Max begins to laugh.

"He will just orb back to me. I've tried putting him in the crib, the swings. He just wants me to hold him. I was going to feed Anne but she needs to stop burping. You could change Max for me though." she suggested.

"Sure I can right Max?" Mike said as Max squirted water onto his face and began laughing. "Alright, this is not what we are going to do today," Mike says as he put Max on the changing table and wipes his face. "Natalie where are the diapers." He asks.

"The top drawer. I labeled which diapers are for who based on their powers so far." Natalie explained as Anne finally stopped burping.

"What do their powers have to do with what kind of diapers they get? Isn't poop just poop?" Mike says as he reaches for the draw that says, Max.

"Well, Anne needs fireproof diapers. We don't want her to burn off her diaper and be naked. Max needs diapers with maximum absorption. And then Mason over here needs diapers that won't create static when he's playing on a carpet." Natalie explained. "The poop is the least of my worries," she added. 

"Yeah, you got a point there. I didn't even see it like that. Maybe I need to be more involved with the babies." Mike says as he takes off Max's diaper and pinches his nose. "Eww what in the love of–– " Mike is cut off when a high bream of pee is launched straight into his nose. Natalie couldn't help but laugh.

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