ꕥAnd It Beganꕥ

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As an alarm rung and echo through out the small large room, a blonde headed boy only barely responded. Turning to look for the source of the sound, takemitchi reached to the little black night stand with stickers littered all over it. With a tap of a finger, the sound was gone.

"Just a few more minutes" rolling back on his stomach, pulling the blanket over his head. Takemitchi was off back to dreamland.

"IM SO FUCKIN LATE"and the routine starts. Jumping up off the oh so comfy bed, landing on his foot slightly wrong. Takemitchi began to look for his uniform in his closet.

"I'm so dead,what time is it?.."picking up the phone that lying on the large bed,beside
A notebook and headphones,That read 7:45

"Im late now." Rolling his blue eyes and began walk to the bathroom, washing his slightly pale face he began to change into his uniform, stepping out with his hair a mess that he didn't even bother to look at.

"Ok now my bag, phone, and...oh notebook that should be it." Walking to his bed and grabbing the said objects and one extra, his headphones, the said boy began to walk to the exit of his but grabbing the book-bag that sat next to it.

Walking to the kitchen and grabbing no,not something to eat but the house key that sat at the top of the fridge in a container, cause he lost his last week probably in his room somewhere,and walking right back out.

Reaching the front door the young male slipped on him shoes that nicely looked good paired with the uniform,then looking around the house as if he was looking something and walked out the house locking the door.

Plugging in his headphones that was slightly hanging from his hand, clicking a song,turning off his phone and And sliding it into his back pocket as he set off to school for the day.

Time skip

So here was the blond at his destination. As he said hey to the lady at the front office who had now known the boy only by the fact that he was late everyday, But she was starting to see more of the boy in the halls day by day as she would run aarons.

"Make sure you get to class on time some days, It's not good to be late everyday."

Yeah I know, I just always wake up late everyday.."

"Hmm. you need a better alarm then."

"Yea..well i have to get going now Ms.Bai.

"Ok have a good day..Oh takemitchy."


"Your first class teacher is not here so you're gonna have to go to another class for the time being."

"Ok thank you, see ya around." flashing the women with the best smile he could do at the moment he went on his way.

"Ughh.."the boy was now sulking about having to go to another class as he walked to his locker that wasn't far from the entrance but wasn't close. Reaching his locker he began to put in his lock combination. When he sees a group of boys walking by, but didn't pay any mind until he heard a boy with blond hair, and black hair say

"Oh he's kinda cute"

Turning around with a disgusted look on his face he looked at the boy but then turned back around and putting his things in his locker as he mumbled

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