Chapter 6: The Chaos Of Discord

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"Here we are." Rarity said. "Into this lovely, 'House of Mirrors'." she was outside of the House of Mirrors' building with her friends. "Shall we go inside?" she asked, putting her hands out to the open entrance. 

"Yes! Let's go!" Spike said, being carried by Fluttershy. 

"Yeah, sure. We don't mind at all, Rarity." Sunset Shimmer said. 

The Main Eight entered the House of Mirrors. They then all got split up into small groups each. Fluttershy and Spike were with Sunset Shimmer. Sci-Twilight Sparkle was with Starlight Glimmer. Rainbow Dash was with Applejack.  And Rarity with Pinkie Pie.


"I haven't been to this type of place in a long while. Not, since I was young." Applejack said, looking at the mirrors while walking with Rainbow Dash.

"Wow, really? Applejack?" Rainbow asked. "Huh? At least you get to experience it again. Today. With me, of course." 

"Yup. I sure will." Applejack said. "Anything with you, is always a fun time. Rainbow. Every time, you put your mind into it."


"Say, Twilight?" Starlight Glimmer asked. "Do you like mirrors?" 

"Uh. What kind of question is that?" Sci-Twilight Sparkle gazed at Starlight in a confused manner. "Is there a question that you are trying to ask me?"

"Oh--" Starlight smiled, realizing that she was being goofy. "Yes. There is. I mean," she pointed to the mirrors near her. "I mean. Do you like these types of mirrors that are in the House of Mirrors, that we are in?" 

"Oh. Well, yeah. I do." Sci-Twi said. "Because I think that it is fun that each mirror has a different set of proportions in each reflection."


"Hey, how long do these usually take to get out of, Pinkie?" Rarity asked Pinkie, how long it takes to get out of the House of Mirrors.

"I don't know. It depends how big this House of Mirrors is. But this place has a lot of space and is huge, so..." Pinkie began thinking outloud. "I say, about an hour and a half."

"Oh, dear." Rarity said. "That is quite a lot of time to be inside here."


"You ready, Fluttershy?" Sunset Shimmer asked Fluttershy.

Fluttershy stared into a mirror while carrying Spike with her two hands. She heard Sunset talking to her and immediately stepped away from the mirror. "Y-yes. I'm ready." She grinned happily.

"Let's keep on going." said Spike, talking to Sunset and Fluttershy.

[The Main Eight]
What is that, up in the sky?
It's caught us completely by surprise
There is a bunch of darkness in here
All I can sense is so much fear

So much panick, and running around
You have turned our whole world upside down!

There's no more happy smiles
Just sad little frowns


Our surroundings have changed
Oh look, there is the chocolate rain!

Pink cotton candy clouds
Full of soft fluff
The challenge to fix this, is rough
But I know my friends will be proud
For me to not give up

On this!
On the...
Chaos of discord!

In this situation
It's all stuck and turning
Tangled up complications
Yet I have no explanation

My motivation to keep on, is brightly burning
But there is one little thing that churns me
My magic is something I can't afford
Where did our geodes even go?


I guess we will never know?
Hey! We're off to the unknown!
In this!
Chaos of discord!


Equestria Girls: The World Of Discord (Book 8~Equestria Girls Series)Where stories live. Discover now