Chapter 17: I See The Light Shine Throughout Your Eyes

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"Finally, I can now stretch." Sci-Twi Sparkle got up from the floor and stretched her body back and forth. Fluttershy put Spike down and he ran to her, "Twilight!" He was happy to see her. He wagged his tail.

"There. They are all free. Just like I promised, Fluttershy." Discord said to Fluttershy as the Main Eight looked at him in confusion.

"Who is that new guy?" Rarity asked, talking about Discord.

"What!? You are the one that trapped us in the mirrors!?" Rainbow Dash shouted in anger at Discord. "Let's get him!--" She was about to speed off and run with her legs. But was interrupted by Sunset Shimmer putting her hand on top of her shoulder to get her attention. "Wait! Rainbow. Stop. I'm sure that Fluttershy has a reasonable explanation for this."

"She would. Let's hear her out on this." Starlight Glimmer said.

"And as usual, Rainbow." Applejack said to Rainbow. "You need to stop jumping into conclusions." She cleared her throat. "Running into them, that is."

Rainbow rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Fine." She blew a strand of her hair away from her face. Sunset then took her hand off of the top of her shoulder. "Good, you understand."

"Yeah. Yeah." Rainbow was uninterested. "Get on with it, already."

Fluttershy first hugged each of her friends. She then hugged Rainbow last. "First of all, I am very glad that each of you are all okay. From being stuck in those mirror prisons." She looked back at Discord. "This is Discord. He owns this whole carnival."

"He also sent all of us our invitations." Pinkie Pie took out her envelope out of her pink curls. "That he invited us with."

"So, you're the one that sent all of us those mysterious invitations?" Sci-Twi looked at Discord. "I mean, that does fit the description?"

"Yes, I did." Discord said.

Sunset stepped away from Rainbow. "Sorry, for me to say this. I don't mean to be rude." She walked to Discord. "But it would save us a lot of time if I used my magic geode to see what happened with you and Fluttershy. While we were gone. May I? It only works if I make it with physical touch. By tapping you with my hand. So I can get a vision on what occurred."

"Yeah, sure. Knock yourself out." Discord gave Sunset permission to see into his mind.

Sunset then got her hand and her fingers tapped Discord's arm. Her eyes glowed a bright white color, showing that she was taking in the vision. "So, that's what happened? You have been watching us from afar. Knew about us and our magic. And invited us to your carnival with those anonymous invitations? You trapped us in those mirrors, for your own entertainment? Really? I think you did that subconsciously, not realizing that you were jealous of our friendship."

"And he uses his chaos magic to express himself!" Pinkie added in.

"Right. Thank you, Pinkie." Sunset confirmed. "That then leads us to his encounter with Fluttershy."

"To put it in short terms, Discord saw that I was hurt from his actions of not letting you girls go. And trapping all of you in those mirror reflections. I was ready to sacrifice everything. My magic. I think it somehow made him change his mind." Fluttershy said. "He then apologized to me. And let you all go."

Everyone else stared back at Discord. He nervously smiled. "Why are all of you looking at me, for?"

"Discord. Why would you be jealous of our friendship and us?" Fluttershy asked.

"Maybe, he has friendship problems of his own?" Sci-Twi suggested.

"I'm with Twilight and Fluttershy on that one." Applejack said.

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